Antonyms for pinnacles. I came down alone from the top of the mountain. Pinnacle definition, a lofty peak. A tall pointed formation, such as a mountain peak. CALL 1-800-96ABUSE OR 1-800-962-2873. In a literal sense, a pinnacle is a tall peak of a mountain.. One word substitution pertaining to Sciences & Arts; One word substitution relating to death, marriage,family children and medicine. pinnacle | definition: (architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower | synonyms: spire, steeple| antonyms: low, lowness, high Accessed 29 Sep. 2020.
If you … 2.
n. 1. Synonyms for pinnacle include height, top, peak, summit, zenith, apex, apogee, acme, climax and meridian. Synonyms for 'pinnacle': peak, golden age, heyday, breakthrough, comeback, flowering, high tide, glory days, someone’s day in the sun, apex, apogee Find another word for pinnacles. The obelisk was erected in his memory in 1812. Enter your email address: Subscribe Pinnacle: Synonyms antonyms starting from B: A- Z List Pinnacle Coaching, Synonyms – amaze, confuse, puzzle, rattle, stun, astound •Antonyms -enlighten, explain, clarify, Synonyms – boycott, restriction, embargo, suppression •Antonyms -, permission, approval, Synonyms – insolvent, penniless, ruined, destitute, broke •Antonyms -solvent, prosperous, wealthy, Synonyms – brutal, cruel, ferocious, ruthless, uncivilized •Antonyms -polite, refined, sophisticated, Synonyms – bang, bash, batter, cane, castigate, drub •Antonyms -aid, assist, help, Synonyms – below, underneath, under, down, unworthy, covered •Antonyms -up, overhead, above, Synonyms – benign, caring, chivalrous, considerate, humane, generous •Antonyms -malevolent, mean, spiteful, Synonyms – charitable, kind, helpful, generous, philanthropic •Antonyms -malicious, uncharitable, Synonyms – deceive, delude, forsake, abandon, cross •Antonyms -defend, protect, support, Synonyms – baffle, confuse, daze, muddle, mystify •Antonyms -enlighten, illuminate, explain, Synonyms : magical, fascinating •Antonyms: repulsive, repugnant, disgusting, Synonyms – discriminating, favoring, partial, prejudiced, unfair •Antonyms -fair, impartial, judicious, Synonyms – attatch, fix, annex, append, secure •Antonyms : detach, break, free, Synonyms – dull, flat, insipid, monotonous • Antonyms: delicious, Synonyms: fault, smirch, stigma, stain • Antonyms: purity, impeccable, spotless, stainless, Synonyms: dismal, gloomy, chilly, dreary • Antonyms: bright, please, balmy, cheerful, Synonyms: reprove, upbraid, censure, reproach • Antonyms: commend, applaud, laud, praise, Synonyms – combine, mix ,instill, mingle •Antonyms: separate, disintegrate, dissociate, Synonyms – bar ,obstruct, choke, congest, clog •Antonyms: open, clear, release, Synonyms – flourish, grow, thrive •Antonyms: shrink, fail, wither, Synonyms – Brag, praise, exult •Antonyms: modest, deprecate, Synonyms – annoying, irksome, troubling, Irritating •Antonyms -convenient, helpful, smooth, Synonyms – – endless, unlimited, infinite, immeasurable, plenty •Antonyms -limited, restricted, less, Synonyms: frail, fragile, delicate, breakable •Antonyms: tough, enduring, unbreakable, strong, Synonyms – agile, quick, dynamic, energetic, lively, vigorous •Antonyms -slow, sluggish, dull, Synonyms – flowery, showy, overblown •Antonyms -humble, restrained, reserved, Synonyms – liberal, progressive, open, tolerant, flexible, •Antonyms -orthodox, conservative, narrow-minded, Synonyms – massive, big, oversized, heavy, hefty, huge •Antonyms -small, thin, tiny, Synonyms – intimidate, menace, threaten, browbeat •Antonyms -support, ease, assuage, Synonyms : haste, tumult, stir, flurry •Antonyms : slowness, sluggishness, quiet, Synonyms – deadly, evil, malevolent, harmful, noxious, sinister •Antonyms -auspicious, favourable, promising, Synonyms – destruction, devastation, havoc, ruin, curse, evil •Antonyms -blessing, advantage, fortune, Synonyms – deport, exile, expatriate, ostracize, dismiss, dispel •Antonyms -allow, keep, welcome, Synonyms – unclad, naked, empty, blank, vacant, shorn •Antonyms -clothed, robed, covered, Synonyms – childless, unfruitful, unproductive, futile, useless, devoid •Antonyms -fertile, productive, useful, Synonyms – assail, assault, beat, drub, hammer, pound •Antonyms -aid, assist, guard, Synonyms – decry, denigrate, derogate, disparage, downgrade, slight •Antonyms -praise, value, exaggerate, Synonyms – darling, dear, loved, precious, intimate, cherished •Antonyms -despised, disliked, hated, Synonyms – blessing, thanks, favour, gratitude, approbation, grace •Antonyms -anathema, disapproval, criticism, Synonyms – argue, contend, dispute, quarrel, spat, tiff •Antonyms -agree, concede, discuss, Synonyms – curious, eccentric, freakish, odd, queer, strange •Antonyms -normal, reasonable, usual, Synonyms -brazen, shameless, unabashed, boisterous, clamorous, vociferous, Synonyms – dismal, gloomy, somber, joyless, cheerless, dreary •Antonyms -bright, pleasant, sunny, Synonyms – bug, defect, flaw, imperfection, shortcoming, blot •Antonyms -adornment, embellishment, decoration, Synonyms – bloom, flourish, thrive, flower, burgeon, succeed •Antonyms -fade, shrink, shrivel, Synonyms – lanky, skinny, slender, lean, slim, thin •Antonyms -fat, heavy, plump, Synonyms – bang, blast, roar, thunder, barrage, rumble •Antonyms -collapse, failure, loss, Synonyms – advantage, benefit, blessing, favor, gain, profit •Antonyms -disadvantage, drawback, handicap, Synonyms – ample, generous, plentiful, substantial, voluminous, abundant •Antonyms -insufficient, meager, sparse, Synonyms – boast, bluster, crow, gloat, praise, exaggerate •Antonyms -be modest, be quiet, deprecate.
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Define pinnacles. You can Enroll in our English Course By Clicking Below given Link :: Synonyms and Antonyms starting from A : A - Z Alphabets by Pinnacle SSC CGL Coaching Centre , Hindi English Medium. 2.
The style is Gothic, very elaborately decorated, but it shows many peculiarities, for the work was continued through several centuries and after many designs by many masters, notably by Amadeo, who carried out the octagonal cupola (the pinnacle of which dates from 1774), and by Tibaldi, who laid down the pavement and designed a baroque facade. Delivered to your inbox! Architecture A small turret or spire on a roof or buttress. One word substitution relating to death, marriage,family children and medicine. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain a.