I went through the immigration thing. Conservatives have always wanted border security before we had immigration reform. When a politician like Marco Rubio is willing to sacrifice his career defining immigration reform legislation solely to insure that gays and lesbians are denied equal protection under the law, we have to admit that we're under attack. Dr. King wouldn't be pleased at all to know that there are millions of people living in the shadow, living in fear in places like Georgia and Alabama. Shadow People Fear King. “I appreciate the effort that my colleagues in the Senate have made in trying to fix a badly broken immigration system but I'm still concerned because the promises made in the 1986 immigration reform bill on enforcement and border security were not promises kept. In terms of immigration, we're seeing a lot of Democrats and Republicans use the really elastic term, 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform,' and they don't totally understand what that means. We can pass practical, comprehensive immigration reform. In 2013, Coffman said he was concerned about the Senate Immigration bill, because of the promises not kept surrounding the 1986 immigration reform. “I will continue the fight Congressman Tancredo has lead for many years and vote against any legislation that would grant amnesty to those who entered our country illegally,” he said. Marco Rubio The resources of nature, like those of spirit, are running out, and all that a conscientious man can aspire to be is a literal conservative, hoarding what remains of culture and of natural wealth against the fierce appetites of modern life. [, reported that King said on immigration, “We need to be ever vigilant…We need to go far deeper into our border crossings.
Congressional opposition to immigration reform or emergency funds doesn't stem from any philosophical objections or differences of principle. 57, then I went to the Lighthouse for the Blind on 59th St. Obama wants to raise the issue of immigration reform so that he can demonize Republicans as anti-Hispanic. I'm for immigration reform. I don't think that's part of our values. I would argue that you're only going to get the conservatives, particularly a Republican House, to pass immigration reform if we, as conservatives, are reassured that the border is controlled and that we get to vote on whether the border is controlled. [HR 2217, reported that King “compared immigrants to dogs at a town hall meeting yesterday, telling constituents that the U.S. should pick only the best immigrants the way one chooses the ‘pick of the litter.’” “You want a good bird dog?