Powers of the Witches Blade, [M] And strictly keep to the Old Law, never accept money for the use of the art. In other religions the postulant kneels while the priest towers above him, but in the Art Magical we are taught to be humble, and so we kneel to welcome them, and we say: To the name that is highest of all.”. Say, “I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou be a Boundary and a Protection and a meeting place between the world of men and the realms of the Mighty Ones, A Guardian and a Protection that shall preserve and contain the Power which we shall raise within thee, Wherefore do I Bless and Consecrate thee.” Other important dates for the Horned God include Imbloc when he leads a wild hunt. 5. I thank you for attending, and ere ye depart for your lovely realms, We say, Hail and Farewell.”. Queen of Witchery and Night. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe. Narrator: “And he taught her all the Mysteries and gave her the necklace, which is the Circle of Rebirth.” * Gardner appended this paragraph to the Craft Laws in the early 1960s. “I now salute you in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos, Newly made Priestess and Witch.” I believe that if one looks closely at the true teachings of Jesus with an open heart, you will find some stark commonalities. Black is the combination of all colors and all vibrational rates of light on the material plane. A. Magus and High Priestess: “Encourage our hearts, Let thy Light crystallize itself in our blood, fulfilling us of Resurrection, for there is no part of us that is not of the Gods.” No, although women do seem to predominate in the Craft overall. So it be aredan. You may have been a fairy or a dragon in a past life; but for whatever reason, your soul chose to be born as human now. Astarte, Hecate, Ashtaroth, Dione, Thou who would pass through the Gates of Night and Day to that sweet place, which is between the worlds of men and the domains of the Lords of the outer spaces, know that unless there is truth in thy heart, thy every effort is doomed to failure. Q. Postulant: “I am.” With the Cable Tow in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, the Magus leads her sunwise around the circle to the east, where he salutes with the sword and proclaims, “Take heed, O Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, (name), properly prepared, will be made a Priestess and a Witch.” The relationship I had with him kept me in my little bubble much longer than I probably would have been otherwise. Yes, you’ll get dirty, but that’s what gardening is about. I would that I could go myself.”* To these ever deny all knowledge. . As you place each seed into the ground, offer a simple blessing, such as: May the soil be blessed as the womb of the land 30/May 1 He departs to the land of youth, through the gates of death, to dwell enthroned, the judge of gods and man. Call it energy, call it spirit, call it Cernunnos – it was there. Their priests tell them that any who get our help or our cures are damned to the Hell forever, so men be mad for the terror of it. Say, “Mighty Ones of the (East, South, West, North), I thank you for attending, and ere you depart for your lovely realms, I say Hail and Farewell.”, [3] Consecration of Water and Salt. Magus: “Assist me to erect the Ancient Altar, at which in days past all worshipped, the Great Altar of all things. So ever destroy anything not necessary. Say “I summon, Stir, and Call Thee up, Ye Mighty Ones of the (East, South, West, North) To witness the Rites and to guard the Circle.”, [2] Closing Circle. I think I purged too much of the ‘good’ of my faith when I purged the ‘bad’ and am now fighting to get some of that back. I am about to give you a warning. Now present new Witch to coven members. (The Magus raises the Priestess, gives her the Fivefold Kiss and unties the cords) So if you find yourself caught between needing to learn this life’s lessons and being so infinitesimally related by blood that being recognized by full-blooded members of those species is unlikely, you might want to just give it up and be human. Are Wicca and Witchcraft the same thing? They’re also good for meditations in which you wish to connect with bird spirits or the air element. For these truly are the 5 points of fellowship [on the right appears an illuminated diagram of the point-up triangle above the pentacle, the symbol for the third degree], feet to feet, knee to knee, groin to groin, breast to breast, arms around back, lips to lips, by the Great and Holy Names Abracadabra, Aradia, and Cernunnos. Teeth: One of the longest-lasting parts of any body, teeth have natural associations with longevity and durability. There should be no other light except for the candles on the altar and about the circle. Regardless, going skyclad during ritual is in no way a sexual act, it is a deeply spiritual one for those who “choose” to do so. He should kneel at altar, and be scourged. It frightens me. The best way is to get a string. Thou who thinks to seek me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of storm and passion in your Soul. If a sensitive told you, examine how accurate he/she has been about other things… and how flighty or grounded he/she is in his/her own life.