Virginia. wagon rut in Tygert’s Valley.” “Once a year my father would send in to the South Branch and get three bushels (80 pounds to a bushel) of salt. not qualify as a constable, Greenbrier County. August 1753, p. 11. Andrew was born September 5, 1750 in Augusta, Virginia and died on July 26, 1780. 1850) This was the land John Jr. and John Cassity viewed for a road in 1785. ........ 3 Mary “Polly” Crouch (1795 – ........... 4 Isaac Crouch (1801 – 1865) + Sarah (18)

Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the UK, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. (12). Afforded no settlement. In 1840 there were 45 Crouch families living in Kentucky. Undocumented information: (19) Eleanor was born in 1760 in Kentucky and died in 1826 in Fairfield, Ohio. These claims were generally known as ‘tomahawk rights,’ a person only needing to mark out his site with tomahawk slashed or his name carved on a tree. His brothers Joseph, John Jr. and Henry DeLay were also at Hinkston Creek in 1794.
Also note that new biographies added to the website may not be listed in these lists for several days after the biographies go onto the website. Miller, Kenneth Madison Clark, and Thomas Llewellyn Samuel, Jr., When the French and Indian War ended in 1763 people thought that threats from Indians was minimal in the mountains west of the South Branch area and land could be obtained by just settling on it. He was a surveyor of highway in Harrison County in 1786. The part of Randolph County that later became Tucker County, was settled by John Crouch. Charles Fornelson and others were to appraise his estate. Joseph Crouch settled near his brother Andrew and his brother John Jr.’s father-in-law Charles Fornelson in Tygart Valley These four men had a joint land grant for 1000 acres near the present site of Huttonville. ..... 2 Joseph Crouch (ca 1748 - ) + Elizabeth Warwick Some claimants merely hacked a few trees near a spring with their hatchet or ax or cut their name or initials on the bark of trees. First Families of America compendium of American Genealogy, The John Sr. may have married Elizabeth Cloud Lane. CROUCH Genealogy About 3285 CROUCHs. ........ 3 Anne Crouch (1803 – ) The fruits of this marriage were five children – three sons, and two daughters now deceased; the sons are Thomas D., who married a Miss Sarah J. Booth, and resides in Nicholas County; John William and Robert, residing at home. The Warwicks moved to the Cowpasture River area by 1759 and headed west to Tygart Valley circa 1764 where James Warwick and his wife Elizabeth Crouch resided. 1750 Peter Thorn and Lambert Pooper are hereby Appointed to lay of by William Henry Perrin, O. L. Baskin & Co., Cassity (1767 – 1853) (15) Biography of Andrew’s grandson: (16)

There is only one mention of a Joseph Crouch in Hatcher’s Origins of the Warwick Family, stating that a Joseph Crouch was the brother of the wife of James Warwick who moved to what became Concord Township, Ross County, Ohio in 1800. Jonathan, born March 15, 1787, Virginia, died 1860, Washington County, Elizabeth Crouch, in the Origins of the Warwick Family: Elizabeth