According to a profile, 55-year-old Beth Jordan Mynett Dr. Beth Mynett is a graduate of the University of Arizona College of Medicine and completed her internal medicine residency at the University Medical Center and Veterans Administration in Tucson, Arizona. Mynett was previously married to Beth Jordan Mynett from 2012 until their divorce in 2019. Dr Beth Jordan Mynett Estranged Wife of Ilhan Omar’s new boyfriend Tim Mynet.She is an American physician and the Medical Director of the DC Department of Corrections. Tim Mynett is a political aide and strategist who has been accused by his wife of ending their marriage over a romantic affair with Rep. Ilhan Omar. Tim Mynett Wiki – Biography. Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett Biography. Mynett was 25 and Beth 42 when the duo had their son born in February 2006. Beth Mynett is the medical director and health services administrator of Washington, D.C. Department of Corrections. Mynett, Jordan married in 2012 on latter's insistence. Beth Jordon Mynett is the estranged ex-wife of Tim Mynett, the current husband of Somali born Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.Jordan was recently in the limelight for her divorce case with former husband and the allegations that she placed on him of cheating with the American politician Omar. Tim Mynett Divorce. Their relationship was first revealed by Beth Jordan Mynett,55, used divorce documents to accuse her husband Tim, 38, of an affair with radical Democrat Omar, 37, which began in April. Beth filed for divorce from Mynett in August 2019. Politics On 03/13/2020. The couple continued to live together but in 2012, Jordan reportedly insisted on marriage and even said that if that did not happen, Mynett would have to move out and look after their son from afar. Wiki, Biography, Age, Beth Jordan Mynett Wife, Children, Career, Instagram.