17.these advances help explain why we have not so far seen more Collateral damage in emerging markets. Alongside this neutralization has grown up a collateral institution, the purpose of which is in some respects similar. The principle is called collateral estoppel or issue preclusion. These mutants were then screened for their ability to suppress other yme1 phenotypes, as well as for inherent collateral phenotypes. 20.it was our assessment that they had plenty of Collateral to repay our loan. 142 Objective To compare the treatment outcome of conservative management, ligament repair, and ligament reconstruction for rupture of, 144 Non-recourse means the government's loan is backed only by the, 145 The femoral head is at increased risk for developing AVN, partly because the blood supply is an end-organ system with poor, 146 If you are a homeowner, you can use your home as, 147 The bomb crater, near a smallholding on the outskirts of Tripoli, was very small and there was much less, 148 Central banks responded by expanding their lending operations through a mixture of more types of credit and, 149 Barring a credit downgrade, Berkshire probably doesn't have to post margin, 150 It is quite different from such traditional means of financing as stock issue, bonds issue and loan against. 3.central banks such as the fed and the ecb already provide unlimited liquidity against Collateral. 28.this stock was used as Collateral for the loan. 18.as Collateral for the rent and utilities you owe. 8.therefore, most secured short-term business borrowing involves the use of accounts receivable and inventories as Collateral. 30.many people use personal assets as Collateral for small business loans. Top searched words 7.the bank's governor, mr king, fended off calls to relax Collateral terms or to provide longer-term financing. Collateral definition is - property (such as securities) pledged by a borrower to protect the interests of the lender. 36.that is true of emergency liquidity provision or the relaxation of Collateral rules by central banks. Schmidt, on the other hand, never used the term collateral damage -- or any similar term, because that would have completely undermined her fairy tale of righteous indignation.. President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are … Finally, munitions must be able to destroy the target without causing undue, The three C's that credit creditors look at when determining their qualification are capacity, character, and, It is possible to use unrealized gains in financial assets as, The profunda may be reduced in size and terminate in muscle without giving rise to the radial and medial, The callus consists largely of parenchyma with raphides and is supplied by eight to ten, Allonges have had a way of magically appearing in, Even before a single missile has been launched there has been significant, The rhinal sulcus is not present as a separate sulcus in this specimen, but is represented as a direct continuation of the, Lenders prefer to tie the lifetime of the, It should assume full responsibility and accept creditors' demands for additional, Manual drainage opens nonfunctioning lymphatic and venous connections and directs lymph through, Dilfer will be lost for 4-8 weeks after tearing the medial, These mutants were then screened for their ability to suppress other yme1 phenotypes, as well as for inherent, In the present study, one-year abstinence was determined by, Four years ago I had given my house title deed to a hotelier as a, She was also a moneylender who collected sizeable interest with little or no, The former North Shore Twins player had a bone chip and a torn ulnar, It is for the Gift-tax Officer to be satisfied that the gift was made bona fide or for extraneous or, Under these conditions, there is great risk of, Prophylactic knee braces are designed to protect uninjured knees from valgus stresses that could damage the medial, The second issue that arises deals with the somewhat vexed problem of the, Even where an employer owes a non-delegable duty he is not liable for the, However, if such are killed in crossfire or if used as human shields, they become, We might have to strike back at some heads on this terrorist hydra, try not to slaughter innocents, and swallow the, When the mortgage came due this year, the lender asked the worker-landlords to pledge personal assets as, Their first concern will be to minimize their risk against loan default by requiring, The airline couldn't secure an outside lender because almost all its assets are being used as, Unlike middle-class homeowners, poor people usually don't have assets to put up as, Everything checks out and the bank agrees to accept the car as, The freight cars will be pledged as special, When you sell the property, be sure to have the buyer pledge the property as, I don't even think we have fully assessed all of the, Technology has legitimized precision warfare and criminalized, You'll not only be strengthening the CPA profession, you'll reap the following, To ensure the proper result with little or no unintended, The quick responsive action of MSgt Henley prevented what could have easily been a major fire with possible significant, The enemy threat was eliminated in a matter of minutes and there was no, Inert squash head ammunition would also be useful for punching holes in walls with minimal, Therefore, an attacker must not employ weapons that would cause excessive, Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the avoidance of, The Luftwaffe staff drew special attention to this, Support is legally prescribed and required along descent, ascent, and, Similarly, James Logan, his descendants, and their, As for that of Herve de Lanrivain, I had only to apply to his, A major consequence of this was the drastic reduction of the casato's, The line from him to his eldest son and then to his eldest son represents the main line of kinship, while other lines represent, The use of contrast enhanced CT is much more specific and can demonstrate, Kuroda and Sakamaki reported on 13 patients with ulnar, The usual finding is an area of obliteration in the portal vein surrounded by a large number of, On physical examination, the patient with medial, The bursa is located distal to the joint line in close proximity and posterior to the medial, Most investors have borrowed money with stocks as, The eternal droughts and continental erosion and melting polar ice caps, that's what you call your, With the knee in 30 degrees of flexion, the, Misguided or unguided precision munitions can lead to significant, He's a cheeky chappy who we're expected to find charismatic simply because he has the gift of the gab, but he's all cockiness and no, In some cases, the deltoid branch of the profunda brachii arises from the brachial or from the superior ulnar, Borrowing from banks, with their strict prudential procedures that require, Nitroglycerine and TNT could be thought of as good dissolvents, but those chemicals have some undesirable, Legally defensible property rights are essential to the process of capital creation, in that property can be used as, After the village gained experience with the grant-making process, community trust funds were established to provide credit to people who had no.