Imagine if John just kicked the door down and walks in proceeding to stare everyone down. John deactivated his ability and reactivated to discard all copied abilities. John turned to Blyke and Isen. He thinks Zeke is incompetent and doesn't trust him to do his job. Zeke inched his trembling hand forward across the concrete, feeling the ache of being punched and kicked across his body repeatedly. Zeke then challenged John in front of a crowd of Wellston students with the intention of publically proving that John was not the all-powerful Joker. Information Someone as weak as you, running around causing havoc...completely neglecting the structure of the school. As the Wellston Private High School Reunion comes closer and closer, Blyke remembers his time with Isen and the two meet again. [9] People wondered who could have done this to him and suspected Arlo, as he was the only one possessing the necessary strength and motive to do something like this to him. John then activated his Aura Manipulation and attacked Mardin, shocking Zeke, and the crowd of students witnessing the quick beatdown of Mardin. It's as simple as that, he doesnt want to change, for now. Zeke then knocks him out in the heat of the moment, brushing him off as a nutcase before disregarding the entire situation as if it never happened. Blyke having decent Trick because he can split his energy beams or use them for movement. To him atleast....from the beginning he was the one out of line, and he paid the price for it suffering the consequences. Zeke goes flying across and hits a tree, Zeke runs at John and phases but John blocks and punches Zeke in his jaw. for now I think it’s even between Isen and Blyke Zeke can compete but not win. Zeke follows John but is suddenly punched in the face by John when he turns around. Causing them to lash out and beat the shit out of John, imposing his will onto him and forcing them to play, tying into the reason why he was so surprised when John started yelling and shit like an actual lunatic, he didn't expect him to take this so seriously due to his perception of the world as an game, simply put, And like most high tiers Zeke was oblivious to what the lower tiers actually go through and how much they suffer, unable to understand how beating them truly effects their psyche. JOHN VS ZEKE- unOrdinary Episode 107-108 Review & Live Reaction unOrdinary Episode 107-108! He began laughing like he had truly gone crazy. And for Zeke against Blyke, or Isen Vs Blyke ? Arlo was a 4.2? Zeke could be dangerous if he knew martial arts. [2][3], While Keene was helping John move into the dorms, Zeke promised to take "good care" of the new resident. You're right but when I see Joker Vs Blyke fight I can imagine an ability like Phase Shift beat him like John did. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Public Chatrooms . I'm saying that he's with John because he recognizes that they're strong, not nessacerily because because he's the rightful king or whatever, even if that's a part of that. As he endured blow after blow, John began to rant about how he and Zeke were no different, referring to how he used to beat up the helpless and how they are both "another pieces of garbage in this world." I think by the virtue of this alone Blyke can overwhelm Zeke with his stats, just look at this graph, Also Blyke 4.5 was totally owned by Rein 4.9, the 0.3 difference with Zeke should matter about just as much. And as of now he's trying to make up for it.....when Zeke says that he "changed" he doesn't mean that he became a better person or whatever, but rather he now knows his place in the heirachy and where he stands and will no longer refer to himself as king, but instead acknowledge himself as John's lacky, his inferior., According to fans, Zeke bears a strong resemblance to. I think I might have seen enough of Zeke being humiliated and beat up. P.S. Blyke matches Zeke in speed and defence (3.0), and Zeke has an added disadvantage of only able to access 3.0 speed OR defence at any time. Phase Shift is a highly versatile ability that allows the user to alter their own body depending on the situation. 21 days ago. And so far, throughout the course of the story we have only seen Zeke adapt to his circumstances/situation. "I'M TIRED OF YOUR SHIT, JOHN!" While Zeke and Johnprimarily use the offensive and defensive form, it is heavily implied that the users of this ability can assume other forms.