We need a completely public health care system.
Universal health care, whether public or private.
Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz today.
Feeling pretty proud of myself rn. Diversity is a compelling reason for affirmative action. Affirmative action programs only in certain cases. Ask them if they were surprised at all by their results and whether they think the quiz is an accurate depiction of personal political leanings. Agenda-free. School vouchers for lower-income students. This website copyright © This Quiz has been designed by Colin Thomas. Read each statement. This test has been made with the aid of professional political analysts and respondents from all sides of the political spectrum. Reduce income tax for lower-and middle-class tax brackets. Boy do you have a lot of theory to read. Continue reading →, Copyright © 2020 NewsHour Productions LLC. Retain marriage as it is, but explore civil unions.
Political ideology test 22 Questions - Developed by: Matyu SWAT sniper - Developed on: 2019-10-20 - 31,859 taken - User Rating: 2.3 of 5 - 7 votes - 9 people like it There are many political ideologies.
No. This test aims for a set of questions that is more up-to-date. Free. We need to significantly increase the military budget to meet new threats.
Feel free to send any suggestions and questions through our. Questions (19) Publications (4,118) Questions related to Political Ideology. Lower income school vouchers, increase federal funding. Political Coordinates Tests, whether they are professional or "official" tests used in academic research, or free online tests like this one, are indicators to help give you a cue as to your political standpoint. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Where do you fit in the political typology? This list is subject to change and correction, and your favourite ideology may very well not appear here. Libertarians seek to maximize human freedom and minimize coercion in personal or economic matters. Tools & Resources For each one, click the button with your opinion on it. Yes. Basically, there are five kinds of political ideologies being studied today. Ban certain guns, and require registration/background checks. Homosexuals need to be treated for their condition. Wait, nevermind! Legal abortions in the first trimester for the mother's health. mfw chuds think the destruction of the state is fascism. Did you just put conservatism, fascism and national capitalism in the same result? Good environmental policies are good economic policies. Let workers privately invest all social security payments. I got 9% centrist, time to end it all. Political Left / Right Test. Prior to using our free online test, please note that the results are provided "as-is", for free, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. Suggested reading: Caliphate: The History of an Idea, Suggested reading: Feminism and the Marxist Movement. In either case, the questions tend to revolve around issues that were relevant at those specific times and not in the contemporary political landscape. Or do you subscribe to an ideology most Americans have never heard of? Yes. Immigration is destroying the country - stop all immigration now! Make all federal agencies follow strict quotas. For more on our online political coordinates test, please consult our Terms of Service. By contrast, this test attempts to simply confront you with the questions without any coating or spin. Significantly increase business taxation. Do you think that communism is just as evil as Nazism? We should focus on renewable energy sources. What do you know about Political ideology? While there are other political coordinates tests out there, many of them attempt to spin the questions so as to have the respondent come out in agreement with their own political view.
That’s how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass. 2001-2020. Reduce income tax for the rich, move toward a flat tax rate. Their purpose is to trigger reactions in the mind, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy. If you are unsure of your response, try to … We should not hesitate to use military force against terrorism. We need to erect large tariff barriers to protect all our industries. Suggested reading: The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century, Suggested reading: The Paleoconservatives: New Voices of the Old Right, Suggested reading: For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, Suggested reading: Pancasila economic system: Its feature and conceptual basis, Suggested reading: Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire, Suggested reading: Post-Scarcity Anarchism, Suggested reading: The Three Principles of the People - San Min Chu I, Suggested reading: The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy, Suggested reading: The Revolution Betrayed, Suggested reading: Zapatismo Beyond Borders: New Imaginations of Political Possibility, Suggested reading: The Utopian Alternative: Fourierism in Nineteenth-Century America.