Our Values | Our Timeline | Our Global Footprint | Executive Team. Sunitha has broad industry experience in Transportation, Utilities, Retail, Insurance and Banking, extensive international experience across Asia Pacific, Europe, Canada, and South America. Joe has held leadership roles at Success Media, Billboard, and Healthleaders, Inc., where he launched Health Leaders magazine. 508-641-2418 A veteran insurance industry leader, Sandy has extensive absence and disability experience along with group benefits expertise spanning financial management, talent development, operations, and customer satisfaction. Commenting on the transaction, Deanna Mulligan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Guardian said, “Reed Group is well recognized and respected in the marketplace with a proven track record of ensuring workplace productivity and compliance for customers. Sunitha Chamarti is Second Vice President and Chief Information Officer, for ReedGroup and leads ReedGroup’s technology strategy, planning, and development efforts. Sandy and her husband of 38 years have three children and one granddaughter. She also spent many years in Exercise Therapy, working with organizations to support healthy return to work and accommodation plans under the Workers’ Compensation Plan in Alberta. Kevin Curry is ReedGroup’s Chief Revenue Officer, and directs business strategy, technology innovation, overall performance, and marketing. The market volatility over the last six months has shown financial professionals, employers and employees — and especially those nearing retirement — that protecting what they have worked so hard to save is an essential part of retirement planning.”, Jamie Ohl, president of Retirement Plan Services at Lincoln Financial Group, from her article, “In Retirement, The Ulitmate Outcome Is Income.”, Current | DI | Life Insurance | Marketing, Advertise with Us “In the midst of a global health crisis and record unemployment levels, financial protection is more important than ever. Corporate HQ
For more information about Guardian, please visit www.GuardianLife.com. Most recently, Sandy was with The Hartford where she was Senior Vice President for Group Insurance Operations responsible for Aetna’s integration following the company’s acquisition, for which she played an instrumental role in facilitating. With a strong background in strategic and operational planning, Stephanie leads special initiatives in a cross functional capacity. ReedGroup, a Guardian® Company. LinkedIn, Boston-Area Website Design by BKJ Productions, This acquisition expands Guardian’s disability and absence management portfolio, further demonstrating the company’s commitment to innovative employee benefit solutions and meeting the needs of employers, Independent Financial Partners Launches IFP Group. | We strive to achieve superior results through high performance and execution excellence. The company has approximately 5,000 employees in the United States and a network of over 3,000 financial representatives in more than 80 agencies nationwide.