Many had doctors, blacksmiths, and many slaves. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Plantations were usually self-supportive and isolated from others. Until 1932 the South remained an impoverished and undiversified region. Indigo and rice were the main crops of Georgia and South Carolina while Virginia and Maryland's main cash crop was tobacco.

For Kids - Life in the Southern Colonies. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Timber from pine trees was North Carolina's largest export. Reading Passage and Critical Thinking Multiple Choice Questions (Printable), Who were the Quakers? The weather in the south provided a long growing season, which allowed crops like rice, cotton, and tobacco to flourish. The New England region, Middle region, and the Southern region are the places that make up the thirteen colonies. The southern colonies relied heavily on tobacco, rice, cotton, and indigo for trade crops. The Southern colonial region's economy was mainly agrarian or agricultural. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. English American Southerners would not enjoy the generally good health of their New England counterparts. Natural Resources.

@ 2020 is a copyright of the Nussbaum Education Network,LLC. Eastern lands had large plantations. Geography and motive rendered the development of these colonies distinct from those that lay to the North.

They produced or made just about everything they needed on the plantation.

This climate, coupled with abundant rainfall, offered 17th- and 18th-century European settlers a superb opportunity to raise crops for export if an adequate permanent labour supply could be found. The soil was perfect for farming and the growing season was longer than in any other region. The weather in the south provided a long growing season, which allowed crops like rice, cotton, and tobacco to flourish.

These colonies had a long growing season and a warm, damp climate, which allowed settlers to grow cash crops. Natural Resources. The climate of the Southern Colonial Region was sub-tropical. The Pinnacle, in Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, overlooking the point where Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee meet. By the 21st century, manufacturing was the largest sector of the economy in most Southern states. To produce enough rice or cotton or tobacco to make a profit took a great deal of land and labor. These farms grew fruits, vegetables, corn, and grain and could grow enough crops to trade. Having a desire to sail to America, The Catholics were supported by England in their endeavor.

Copyright ©2008-2019, owned by the Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia, founded 1942. Moreover, Florida’s population more than doubled in the final three decades of the 20th century. While Puritan zeal was fueling New England's mercantile development, and Penn's Quaker experiment was turning the middle colonies into America's bread basket, the South was turning to cash crops. Which American Civil War general later became president of the United States?