Yes, the new fees apply for youth and adult members. We waited to communicate this information to you until now because we wanted a chance to give our feedback to BSA leadership about this decision (which we have done). Will these fees go toward funding a victims compensation trust? New Cub Scout/Scouts BSA/Venturer/Sea Scout – pay $47 to join (pro-rated $22 membership fee for the final four months of 2020 + $25 one-time new member fee) and then $67 (national membership fee + $1 for local insurance coverage) at recharter in December for 2021. A: Starting August 1, 2020, councils can also choose to charge a fee up to, but no more than, the national membership fee – up to $66 for participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts; up to $42 for participants in Exploring and up to $42 for adult members.
Should it be necessary to increase fees in the future, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America has agreed to evaluate the needs and make such decisions, whenever possible, at the National Annual Meeting so that decisions can be announced with as much lead time as possible to allow councils and units to plan accordingly. Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer. It’s time to experience what Scouting can do for your child. Should it be necessary to increase fees in the future, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America has agreed to evaluate the needs and make such decisions, whenever possible, at the National Annual Meeting so that decisions can be announced with as much lead time as possible to allow councils and units to plan accordingly. For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has worked with parents across the country to teach character, confidence, and integrity to the next generation. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. © 2020, Boy Scouts of America. Over the last few months, the National Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has seen the Scouting community come together, even while physically apart, to bring solutions, relief and comfort to those in need. We realize these higher national fees, especially combined with economic hardship suffered from COVID-19 disruptions, will put added pressure on some families’ budgets. Thank you for continuing to support one of the most valuable opportunities available to young people today.
Although no decision about future increases has been made, the cost of operating our organization and services increases every year.
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