A synthesis of scientific sea ice extent projections during Arctic summer, updated monthly during melt season. Toward the end of the month, a strong low pressure system moved into the ice in the Beaufort Sea region. A numerical study of the western Cosmonaut polynya in a coupled ocean–sea ice model. If they become unmoored, and the parts of the ice shelf that are not already in the water plop into the ocean, it would raise sea level by an average of 10 feet over time. Your burning questions about snow and ice. This is illustrated in the sea ice concentration fields (Figure 4b), where concentrations are reduced, particularly in the “eye” of the storm—the small circular region near the center of the image north of Utqiagvik that has much lower concentration ( the green color corresponds to about 50 percent concentration). Sea Ice Index data. This is comparable to about the size of the states of Alaska, Texas, and California combined. Contact NSIDC User Services or call +1 303.492.6199
The timing of melt onset and melt pond development influences how much sea ice will melt during the summer. To see a corresponding daily sea ice concentration image, click on a line in the chart. Figure 5a. What's hot in the news around climate and sea ice and what are scientists talking about now? This corresponds to a total loss of 3.59 million square kilometers (1.39 million square miles) of ice extent during July 2020. This corresponds to about the size of the state of North Dakota. Scientists blog from Antarctica and provide a glimpse of what it's like to do research in the field. Antarctic sea ice extent remains below average levels as it climbs towards its seasonal maximum, which is typically reached in early October. The survey gives a graph where you can see how out of line 2020 has been with the average temperatures of the previous decade: Average temperatures in Greenland have heated up by 5.4 degrees F. since 1980. Sea ice extent averaged for July 2020 was 7.28 million square kilometers (2.81 million square miles), the lowest extent in the satellite record for the month. It would be a catastrophe. © 2019, National Snow and Ice Data Center :: Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions, Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA), NASA Distributed Active Archive Center at NSIDC (NSIDC DAAC), All About Arctic Climatology & Meteorology, Sea Ice Index (Passive microwave satellite data), MASIE (Daily sea ice extent, multi-source). About the dataCredit: National Snow and Ice Data CenterHigh-resolution image. Roll your cursor over the line to see daily sea ice extent values. Greenland is warming almost twice as fast as Antarctica, which is causing the ice to melt and raise global sea levels.
The phytoplankton show up in the visible imagery as a light blue and teal swirling pattern against the dark blue ocean. Regionally, the Bellingshausen and eastern Ross Seas, as well as a wide area south of the Indian Ocean, had below-average extents relative to the 1981 to 2010 average, and the western Weddell Sea had above-average extent. Monthly July sea ice extent for 1979 to 2020 shows a decline of 7.48 percent per decade.Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center High-resolution image.