-Our champions are waiting for an opportunity to make difference. Are you travelling to Hong Kong, Macau, or Guangdong soon?

Hello Junkies!

However, in our “Have You Eaten?” podcast transcript, you’ll find that we use “sek”, which we think relates to us better. You make me want to be a better person. On the run to China? It’s a win-win situation.

Also, the ability to communicate with native speakers in their own language is an instant way to make friends and win respect!

Great to use for little kids. This is one of them. Anyway, this is one you should use a lot – for guys or girls. Your email is used for verification purposes only, it will never be shared. Why?

Of course, we do vary the tone height when we speak English too, but it doesn't change the basic meaning of a word like it does in Chinese. -When we witness a genuine moment of connection, we experience trust. Words have great power – use these ones sincerely and often! Why? Here’s another variation of the above. The Hong Kong Chinese handshake is rather light, so don’t try to squeeze with all your might.

These are words that sound identical but may or may not mean the same thing. Hello highlight.js! The dictionary defines gratitude as foll... Do you often feel lonely and sad? It is generally used for services. Use it and expect awesome results. Therefore, it's … To illustrate, the romanization of the English word, “eat”, is “Sik” using Jyutping and “Sihk” using Yale. This is the Cantonese way of saying “You’re welcome” but translates more accurately into “There’s no need for formalities”. Thanking someone for a favor requires a different term.

If so, why? How can dash be used as a main action if actions and bonus actions aren't interchangeable? i.e. Upgrade to Premium, or Premium PLUS to enhance your experience and greatly expedite your learning. Also, CantoDict uses a unique "asterisk (*)" convention, to show readings such as jyu 4*2.

Especially if you’re heading to meet your prospective employer! and Goodbye in Cantonese! For instance, you would say “m goi” to a server at a restaurant after he or she refills your glass but not as a response to a birthday present. You eat more. However, this is only meant for thanking others who have rendered you a service or assistance. Are mentally ill people allowed to perform research? However, you need not stop at ‘Thank you’ in Cantonese – why not learn to speak the language?!

Stack Exchange Network. A must-know compliment. Cantonese Phrases: Learn TOP 17 Cantonese Compliments. Another awfully poetic and impressive compliment. Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangdong Province in China.

Learn and know how to correctly say ‘Thank you’ in 31 different languages in this short video. This is a nice compliment you can use on most people – friends, family, coworkers and anyone on your level. Over the last 15 years, Yasmin has been helping high-performing impact-driven entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, elite business coaches, household nonprofits, industry experts, and healthcare professionals share their powerful customer stories to attract top performers, leaders, and partnerships. 多謝你今日賞面。 多謝你花時間畀我哋。 They feel good about their cooking talent. It means they have succeeded in their goal, and you’re thankful for it. Posted on October 18, 2015 February 25, 2017 by The Junkie. This response would not usually be used when thanking someone for a physical gift. If someone performed a service or favor for you, this would be the correct way of thanking him or her in Cantonese. You use "m goi" if thanking someone for a service and "do ze" when you receive a gift. You use "m goi" if thanking someone for a service and "do ze" when you receive a gift. Learn to say ‘Thank you’ in Cantonese in no time! How to Pronounce the Tones in 谢谢 (謝謝) ”xièxie” Tones are tricky because they aren't used to create different words in English. Today, I will be learning to say Thank You in Cantonese! As such, rather than figuring out which of the 10 or more Cantonese romanization system to use (e.g.


Use “m goi” for service. Wait! Below, CantoneseClass101 brings you perfect translations and pronunciation as you learn the most common ways Cantonese speakers say ‘Thanks’ in various situations. (function(d, s, id) { What a wonderful compliment to give a good teacher! Want to learn how to compliment in Cantonese… and seriously impress some native speakers? Like "Thank you" in English, there's only one 谢谢/謝謝(xiè xiè ). That is kind of him/her, so express your gratitude! Let me say it one more time, 唔使客氣.

Thank you. 多謝你教咗我咁多嘢。

It's universally applied unless you want to make a customized thanks. Thank him/her for it!
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7- Teachers like you are not easy to find. 多謝你咁有耐性幫我改進。 Do jets have a better glide ratio than propellers in general?
5. We believe that practice is the holy grail of learning any new language, and we gear our courses to ensure lots of it. a list of all Cantonese homophones / homophone variants. We can also use 唔該 when we want to gain someone’s attention in a polite way, especially in a restaurant setting when needing to get a waiter’s attention. In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another.