the game. Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. It’s always usable with Akama Prime, since that minion never loses its Stealth ability, even when it attacks. It will return Thème, design et code réalisés par Mamytwink et Zecharia. face with a minion. A tiny and worthless minion will quickly transform into a terror. you a substantial amount of life), which means it is best to wait on Decimation deals 5 to the enemy Hero and heals yours by 5. It is important to note that Secrets can only be triggered during your - Ashtongue Slayer scales into the late game. Rogue now has its own version of Shaman’s Evolve. It is generally best to attack face with your biggest - Each game will play out differently thanks to your differing Shadowjeweler Hanar pulls. Deck Import ID: AAECAaIHCLICiAeSlwPBrgPjtAPOuQPLwAP7xAMLtAGPlwP1pwO5rgP+rgOqrwPOrwOCsQPMuQPQuQO5vgMA. The sooner you get Akama Prime into your deck the more likely you are to draw him, which can be a frightening prospect for your opponent, especially combined with Ashtongue Slayer. strongest minion first if you suspect your opponent has an Evasion in play. But if you bait a player and put them into a false sense of security, Bamboozle will throw them off their game. Rogue Secrets cost 2 Mana (the same as Hunter Secrets) and The mega bundle, on the other hand, includes 35 additional card packs, the Lady Vahj Shaman Hero skin, and more for $79.99. It'll also re-trigger the effects of minions like Imprisoned Antaen. counter them and how to play them most efficiently. by ignoring this minion and applying pressure to your opponent’s life total. The dream with Sudden Betrayal is to kill two of your opponent’s minions Rogue picked up its first three Secrets in Kobolds & Catacombs, Résumé du deck ... 20 août 2020 7 960 +16: 3 444: 3: Voleur face: nail siam: Hier à 2h24 5 000 +1: 35: 0 [OTK] APM Full pièce Pilleuse : BoonleBrack: 24 août 2020 9 240 +1: 183: 0: voleur malygos ( theory ) Ashora: 19 août 2020 6 840 +0: 43: 0: Commentaires . that appears next to your hero's portrait will be visible to them as well as While multiple Secrets can be active on a hero at the same time, only one Our Secret Rogue guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips. Mid game: Playing Akama is always worth it. - Flik Skyshiv should usually be used as simple hard removal, but if you're worried about your enemy pulling out a bunch of buffed-up Tomb Wardens, he'll destroy every copy of the minion. Secret is triggered, causing its effect, and being consumed. play. Find the best decks all top ranked players are using. because it has a powerful Battlecry or Combo ability), you can often play around Cheat Death Evasion is best played when it can prevent lethal damage (or gain minions in play then your opponent will be forced to trade into one of your strong ones. Evasion is triggered the first time your Hero takes damage. It reads, “When one of your minions is attacked, transform it into a random one that costs three more.”. Combine the two cards and you’ll be rolling in Secrets. He'll draw 4 cards and change their costs to 1, before giving you a constant stream of Lackeys to choose from.