Shooting Sports Supply Discounts On ammunition and accessories for council shooting sports programs are available through Federal Premium, In December, the Health & Safety Team launched the new Annual Health & Medical Record (AHMR). If you, or your camp staff, When you hear terms like day camp, resident camp and even family camp, you probably think about lots of ways to describe them. DOWNLOAD THE OUTDOOR PROGRAMS & PROPERTIES MANUAL.

Good youth leadership, communication, and teamwork enable them to achieve goals they have set for themselves, their patrol, and their troop. By: Rick Kagawa, National Fishing Committee Chair  What makes fishing such a great outdoor activity? EIN: 22-1576300, 2020 National Outdoor Ethics Virtual Conference, The Highlights of Short-Term Camp: An interview with the NCAP Chairman, New Approval Process for National Camping School Registration 2021. Use the buddy system. EIN: 22-1576300, Obtain permission from parents or guardians for activities that are held away from the regular unit meeting places.

Coach the Scouts in advance on what to do if they get lost.

Your Scouts deserve the best!

Colorado Scouts BSA Troop 114 Gets Creative! In the outdoors, Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant.

Using a turnkey process ranging, Early registration for the 2020 National Outdoor Ethics and Conservation Conference is now open!

They can explore canoe and hiking trails and complete challenges they first thought were beyond their ability.

Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting. Boys and girls yearn for outdoor programs that stir their imagination and interest.

Registered 501(c)(3). LEARN MORE, Click here for an application to host a Camp Ranger Continuing Education Course, Not sure who to ask – Check out the – OP-P Info Sheet (5-13-20). Scouting principles promote responsible use of natural and human resources such as, Hammock Camping Trial Program Congratulations to the list of councils below for being selected to conduct a trial hammock camping program!

Camping and outdoor program activities will deliver adventure, challenge, teamwork opportunities, confidence building, fun, and other new and exciting experiences. Participants must be at least 13 years old by Jan. 1 of the year they participate. Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings.

In January of 2021, councils will begin to use the National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) to authorize and evaluate short-term camps for the first time. A youth or adult leader may describe and demonstrate a Scouting skill at a weekly meeting, but the way Scouts truly learn outdoor skills is to do it themselves on a troop outing.

This link will be available to any person who would like, (The following was shared by Jim Blair, Camping Subcommittee Chairman.) The Scouts BSA Outdoor Program In the outdoors, Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant. Patrol activities—A Scout patrol may hike or camp with other patrols in the unit. Outdoor Programs. This working together through the patrol and troop teaches active citizenship. Hennessy Hammocks has generously.

Summer camp—Summer camp is what many Scouts enjoy most. All 2020 BSA Long-Term camp Managers are invited to join us! Boys and girls yearn for outdoor programs that stir their imagination and interest. For the latest articles and information about the Outdoor Programs of the BSA subscribe to the Trail to Adventure blog or visit the site at, Your one stop for all council outdoor program information, with links to all current resources. If you, or your camp staff, Read More » July 8, 2020 COMING 2021 – “SHORT-TERM CAMP” NCAP CLASSIFICATION When you hear terms like day camp, resident camp and even family camp, you …

Many Aspects of the BSA's Outdoor Ethics Programs Scouting is moving aggressively to reclaim a leading role in outdoor ethics education. Philmont trail meals and hiking snacks now available for sale online! Always leave a site in its natural condition. National high adventure—The BSA operates four national high-adventure bases and programs. © 2020 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved

Attributes of good character become part of them as they learn to cooperate to meet outdoor challenges. They can explore canoe and hiking trails and complete challenges they first thought were beyond their ability.

Scouts are challenged in the outdoor adventure and high adventure and are pushed physically and mentally to accomplish tasks of the outdoors. Attributes of good character become part of them as they learn to cooperate to meet outdoor challenges that may include extreme weather, difficult trails and portages, and dealing with nature’s unexpected circumstances.
Be prepared with emergency procedures.

Learning by doing is a hallmark of outdoor education.

Registered 501(c)(3). With thoughtful guidance from their Scoutmaster and other adult leaders scouts make a plan and carry out this plan. Topics will include mental health at Camp, 2020 BSA Ammo Program Closing Soon! Click here to get your copy of the standards, Important Changes to the 2021 NCAP Intent to Operate Submissions and Due Date  Due to the rapidly changing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on councils, Tim Beaty of Pleasant View Utah, joined the National Conservation Task Force in 1991 and in 1993 was appointed to the William T. Hornaday Award, Philmont might be closed for their summer camping season, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take some of Philmont on your own adventure.