The Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council (AAC) continues to prepare young people for life by providing the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, utilizing outdoor activity, citizenship, and fitness.
Keep an eye on the Resources tab of this registration.
Cub Scout Rangemasters (BB or Archery) – To volunteer to help at a Cub Scout event you must either be NRA Trained or hold a current Cub Scout Rangemaster Training certification (good for 2 years). We are offering shooting activities beginning in July at McGimsey and continuing at all of our Cub Scout Events through December 2020. Email us at. Cub Scout Adventure Day AM - Earth Things! Any camp staff that is interested in being a part of the planning of the camps may join our Cub Scout Day Camp Planning Meetings held at 6:30 pm in the Council Conference Room on the following dates: February 20, March 19, April 16, and May 28. Each day of Day Camp will swim, play games, make crafts, learn scouting skills and have fun. In order to be considered for this, you must apply to be on camp staff and go through the interview process. If you are interested in joining this group, please let us know, we are happy to have you join us. Cub Scout Packs Camping Outside BSA Properties. Click Here for the Day Camp Committee Page, Positively influences character development and encourages spiritual growth, Helps youth develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship, Encourages good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body, Strengthens kids ability to get along with other youth and respect other people, Fosters a sense of personal achievement, by helping kids develop new interests and skills, Shows youth how to be helpful and do ones best, Provides fun and exciting new things to do. Parents are welcome to come, but are required to provide their own transportation and entrance fee to the museum. If your scout is going into 1st grade in Fall of 2020 they are a Tiger and must have a Tiger Parent present all week with them at camp (Tiger Parents can not be on staff as they must be with their scout). Our Cub Scout day camps are sure to fill up this 2020 summer! Archery – We have a USA Archery Level 1 training scheduled for August 1 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at McGimsey Scout Park. All Rights Reserved Powered by CouncilWare, If your Unit would like to camp at a facility other than McGimsey Scout Park, Mays Family Scout Ranch, Bear Creek Scout Reservation, or a State Park, you 100% MUST complete, TO FIND VIRTUAL CUB SCOUT PROGRAMS CLICK HERE, Cub Scout Adventure Day AM - I survived the Dinosa, Cub Scout Adventure Day PM - I Survived CS Adventu. Thank you for your interest in our Cub Scout Day Camp. We will continue to add more information as it becomes available. McGimsey Scout Park is a 140 acre camp in North Central San Antonio. Very helpful in getting my Scout to pass the swim test”, “My son still talks about how fun it was!”. Day Camp is for Scouts entering 1st – 5th grade for the 2020-2021 school year. We are currently in need of more RSOs as we need them for every range. course with a Zip-line and a Climbing Tower is located in the Park. This week's theme is Explore the World with a focus on Europe. Registration will be opening in January, so be sure to lock in your early bird pricing and your spot.
If you don’t, you will need to attend an in person class. Join us for our Floresville Day Camp as our Scouts get to participate in water games, crafts, shooting sports, and learn scouting skills, while having fun. If you are interested in receiving Cub Scout Rangemaster Training for either BB or Archery please email, Shooting Sports Advocates – We have a wonderful committee of volunteers that are considering how to best support our Scouts in both what events are offered, how they are run, and considering facility and equipment requirements. Alamo Area Council Day Camp - McGimsey Week 1 Monday, June 15, 2020 at 7:30am to Friday, June 19, 2020 at 2:30pm McGimsey Scout Park A full C.O.P.E. If your Unit would like to camp at a facility other than McGimsey Scout Park, Mays Family Scout Ranch, Bear Creek Scout Reservation, or a State Park, you 100% MUST complete this form and submit it to