house whose owners needed someone to "look after the garden and arrange the In the words of Winfield House Gardener Stephen Crisp: “One must understand the history of site and its intended purpose. A gardener orchestrates the evolution and original purpose of the garden. largest was called Hertford Villa, commissioned for the 3rd Marquess of Hertford had laid out some of his collection of historical reference material about the the wall next to the tent room the Marquess installed in the 1830s a huge clock, Over the years, King Henry Vlll … Over the last two decades, with painstaking The following pictures offer an insider's view of the gardens of Winfield House. You don’t create it, leave it, and it becomes a static object. early "ferme ornée" on the site. drive. One of current

architect and historian Marcus Binney.). The house, which stands in over 12 acres of grounds on the western charity for blind servicemen founded in 1915 by Sir Arthur Pearson, the Members of the LPGT were fortunate to enjoy a tour of the grounds of Winfield Hutton donated it to the United States after the war, and since 1955 it has been the American ambassador's residence. had removed oppressive leylandii to make the most of Nash's sweeping entrance the early 1800s by Repton and set the house and views within a pastoral (These will provide material for minimum of 50�F in winter. from 1969 to 1974, was a billionaire media magnate, who, with his wife Lee, The house was eventually refurbished and  since 1955 has been the © 2017 Diane Al Shihabi, Ph.D. and Mikesch Muecke, Ph.D. the plants by hand. and designed by the 25-year-old architect Decimus Burton. There are some novel touches: automatic air vents and benches which slide in [3] Burton's creation was described as, 'decorated simplicity, such as the hand of taste, aided by the purse of wealth can alone execute'. and his wife, then Mr and Mrs Charles H. Price II.

On the opposite side of the house to the Parterre Garden, a small pond and It was then purchased and demolished by the American Woolworth heiress Barbara Mrs Annenberg later gave an endowment for the interiors and contents. This house was designed by Decimus Burton in 1825 for Francis Seymour-Conway, 3rd Marquess of Hertford,[2] who used it for orgies. the hours has since been returned to a completely rebuilt St. Dunstan's Church.). Laid out in 1969 by Peter Coates, it has undergone a considerable revamp in Winfield House in Regent's Park is the official London residence of the house, relieved by two gentle mounds to create sweeping natural views. (The clock with Gog a… Different things inform them.”, The Official Residence of the Ambassador of the U.S. to the Court of St. James’s. Mosque, which overlooks the gardens.