There are no inputs or outputs.The drainage basin hydrological system is a local open system. As a rule, the higher the drainage density (D) the more quickly water drains to a river. Geography / Geography skills / Vocabulary, Geography / Geomorphic processes and landforms, Geography / Geomorphic processes and landforms / Rivers, Geography / People and environment / Ecosystems, Types of energy resources and their impact, Locating the world's famous volcanoes - KS2, CALIFORNIA - Printable Introductory Worksheet with map and flag, Exploring St Lucia - KS2 - planning + topic title page, Identifying the human and physical features of St Lucia - KS2. It is assumed that the results are plotted on semi-log paper. [slider]Drainage Basin Hydrological Cycle Quiz, // GCSE study tools > Geography > Drainage basin system. To do this. Permeable rock, for example, chalk, much vegetation cover, limited rainfall, gentle sloes, lower channel frequency. This system is a closed system. // ]]>. What are the main hazards generated by volcanic activity? London WC1R 4HQ. The boundaries of the basin are known as the watershed and will usually be marked by areas of higher land. If you have a textbook on the drainage basin then this can be used to encourage reading and research however, the lesson can be taught without one.
The ideal relationships found between stream order and number of streams is shown in the graphs below: *Please note: you may not see animations, interactions or images that are potentially on this page because you have not allowed Flash to run on S-cool.
These inputs (including rain) are grouped under the term precipitation, water that falls or condenses on the ground.
Processes and pathways of the water cycle, Processes and pathways of the carbon cycle, Changes in the carbon cycle: physical causes, Changes in the carbon cycle: Human causes, Erosion, transportation and deposition & Hjulström Curve, Plate tectonics theory, convection currents and sea-floor spreading, Measuring and Assessing Volcanic Activity. Basins also have outputs that are, again, pretty obvious. This is an A level lesson on the drainage basin systems based on the criteria of the new specifications (AQA in particular). Hide Show resource information. Tes Global Ltd is Water does not come into or leave planet earth.