She has written and spoken extensively on issues related to national competitiveness and development, serving as lead author and editor on a number of regional and topical competitiveness papers and reports; notably, she was the editor of the Global Information Technology Report series for six year, one of the flagship publications of the World Economic Forum. EXOR SA owns 43.4% of its shares with the rest owned by a group of independent shareholders, including many members of the staff. Man befürwortete den Irakkrieg 2003 oder die EU-Mitgliedschaft der Türkei. [29] In 2012, The Economist was accused of hacking into the computer of Justice Mohammed Nizamul Huq of the Bangladesh Supreme Court, leading to his resignation as the chairman of the International Crimes Tribunal.
[71], In an effort to foster diversity of thought, The Economist routinely publishes letters that openly criticize the paper's articles and stance. The decapitation claim was retracted[147] and allegedly fabricated by the woman's husband. [96], In addition to publishing its main newspaper, lifestyle magazine, and special features, The Economist also produces books with topics greatly overlapping with that of its newspaper. Before joining the World Economic Forum, she worked at the headquarters of Sudameris Bank in Paris for a number of years, holding various positions in the international affairs and international trade divisions. Richard J. Alexander, "Article Headlines in, legally classified as a newspaper in Britain, Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, "The Economist Is a Newspaper, Even Though It Doesn't Look Like One", "Liberalism at Large — how The Economist gets it right and spectacularly wrong", "The Economist - Data - ABC | Audit Bureau of Circulations", "Why Time and Newsweek Will Never Be The Economist", "10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts Rather Than Alternative Facts", "Why The Economist swapped its famous elitist marketing for emotional messaging", "The Economist Tends Its Sophisticate Garden", "Opinion: leaders and letters to the Editor", "Bourgeois Philanthropists and Revolutionary Social-Democracy", "Why does The Economist call itself a newspaper?
“The Pursuit of Reason: The Economist 1843-1993”. Irene holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the Institute for the Studies of the Americas, London University, and a PhD in International Economic and Trade Law from L. Bocconi. It still does so because, in addition to offering analysis and opinion, it tries in each issue to cover the main events—business and political—of the week. Over time, the newspaper's coverage expanded further into political economy and eventually began running articles on current events, finance, commerce, and British politics.
Gilda is a managing editor with The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Thought Leadership Division in the Americas. Zanny Minton Beddoes is the Editor-in-Chief of The Economist. [9], Für Deutschland wurde die wöchentliche Auflage im ersten Halbjahr 2017 mit 28.000 (einschließlich digitaler Ausgaben)angegeben.[3]. All rights reserved. [103] The judging panel included Bill Emmott, Esther Dyson, Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, and Matt Ridley.