In 2017, the deputy district attorney for Clackamas County, Matt Semritc, wrote: "The Multnomah County District Attorney's office continues to empanel and offer evidence before a grand jury for the Kyron Horman case, meaning both the criminal investigation and legal proceedings are underway. He seems to have become the setup for a soap opera and was tragically forgotten in the maelstrom that followed his disappearance. In several emails, Terri also described her husband as being overbearing and described an overall toxic household that was quickly becoming unstable. About. While this seemed to be an enticing lead, the existence of this enigmatic suspect from 7-Eleven has not been confirmed in the years since.
Police had now been investigating the case for upwards of three years but had not pressed charges or even officially named a suspect, despite them seeming to have a lot of continued interest in Kyron's stepmom. In addition to seeking approximately $10 million damages, the suit was aimed at proving - if not criminally, then through civil court - that Terri had kidnapped the still-missing 7-year-old. Among those people was Desiree Young, Kyron's birth mom, who later said about these emails: "It's very clear from Terri's horrible words that she had a severe hatred for Kyron and that she blamed a lot of the marital problems on Kyron.". The family didn't know that he wasn't at school, his teacher didn't see him so we are feeling like we are behind the eight-ball here.".
To this day, Kyron Horman remains a missing person, and the story of who he was seems to have been forgotten about in the years since. Privacy Policy
Skyline Elementary School Aerial Map . For that reason, the belief that she attempted to arrange a hit on her husband remains an unfounded accusation to this day. Or is that just a sunk-cost fallacy? Him step-mother, Terri Moulton Horman, dropped the seven-year-old at Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. So, that morning, Terri was going to be driving Kyron to school in the family's truck, which Kaine usually drove. According to the Oregonian, DeDe had been doing some gardening work for a Portland homeowner on the day that Kyron disappeared (June 4th, 2010), but according to that homeowner, DeDe had "abruptly left [at] about 11:30 a.m." She was then reportedly unavailable for the next 90 or so minutes, not even by telephone, and would not return until 1:00 that afternoon.
On June 15th, 2010, while students throughout the Portland School District attended their final day of class until that Fall, those that knew Kyron Horman continued to hold out hope that the 7-year-old would return home. Terri had picked up a prescription that morning, which was supposed to help out. Over the next several years, a dramatic saga would begin to play out with the spotlight aimed at the child’s stepmother, who was the last known person to have seen him. At 1:21, she began uploading photos onto Facebook, into a folder titled "JUNE 2010," which included photos of Kiara and Kyron. Terri sought to delay the lawsuit, but that motion was denied by a federal court judge, who allowed the suit to move forward. And that she's a criminal. In the final days of June, Terri would obtain the services of high-powered criminal defense attorney Stephen Houze, preparing herself for not only a legal defense but a bout in the court of public opinion. Because of Kaine's long hours at work, he would have a hard time taking care of Kyron full-time, so both he and Desiree knew that he needed some kind of compromise to take care of Kyron while earning a living. What would complicate matters even further was the knowledge that the school's campus that morning had essentially been open to the public. June 7, 2010 . The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office has confirmed that the grand jury has been convened on multiple occasions regarding the Kyron Horman case.".
In 2004, however, things would take a drastic turn. Teachers and other school staff members had seen him minutes earlier, but this was his last known sighting, and pretty much where police had to base their search from.
According to a statement later released by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, DeDe Spicher: "... has been in close communication with Terri [and] has been providing Terri with support and advice that is not in the best interests of our son.".