It can be smart to get two of them so they can keep each other company. [4], Around 1978, breeders of Balinese cats in Canada and the United States, affiliated primarily with the clubs Balinese Internationale and Balinese Breeders and Fanciers of America, sought acceptance from the US-headquartered, international Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) of their "new colors" (variations on the traditional point-colored Balinese). If they’re not provided with adequate cat trees and perches, the Javanese will take to jumping on top of the refrigerator, a bookshelf, or even your shoulder. Javanese cats are referred to by show cat fanciers as colourpoint cats: showing odd or "rare" colors; such as red or white, or patternation; tabby and tortie. The Javanese cat is one enigmatic breed. They like to be “helpful” and will follow you around and supervise your every move. Javanese Cat Breeders Find Javanese Kittens For Sale on
Liz is a freelance writer specializing in the pet industry. Disney’s Live-Action Lady and the Tramp is Here! If you're a neatnik, you'll need to either pick a low-shedding breed or relax your standards. "Cats" Ed. So the resulting Javanese kittens look like the Siamese cats, but the coat is longer and the colors are different. There’s a color to satisfy everyone’s taste here: the CFA defines a grand total of 24 different color variations, in addition to the four Balinese basics. Javanese Cat Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts. It is an Oriental-type, the long-haired equivalent of the Colorpoint Shorthair. Delectable chunks with tender chicken smothered in a rich gravy. Cats Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. What that means is that a number of cat breeds have been created using the Siamese as a base and then crossing him with other breeds to bring in desired traits, such as new colors, patterns or hair lengths. The Javanese walks on small, dainty, oval paws and swishes a long, thin tail that tapers to a fine point. Our website uses cookies. We did some digging, and we’re here to set the story straight. There’s no doubt that we identify with admirers of this affectionate breed. Contrary to its name, this breed of cat has no relation to the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent.... Cat Pregnancy Facts: How to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant and More, Hypoallergenic Pets for People With Allergies. A Siamese in every nature except for their medium length, silky coat, the Balinese and Javanese also have a distinctive, luxurious tail plume. This is a loyal and loving feline who will pout and pine if given little or no attention.