The Chariot (VII) represents victory, conquest, and control. The Reversed Star wants you to find out the source of your despair and discouragement and then try and get past these issues to make way for some positivity in your life.
It usually will reveal a long term relationship growing into more rather than meeting someone completely fresh and new. Wondering what the future holds? The Star is Key 17 in the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck. The Star denotes optimism and love of humanity.
Financially it can talk about needing time to recover from a loss, to get unhealthy spending habits in check, and to focus your efforts on charity. No exceptions, family members included. Explore the universe of Horoscope Astrology and get a deep insight into your future! It is beautiful, sparkly and filled with light, hope and inspiration. Following your heart means going with the flow with no resistance. It is also a card that reminds you that a healthy body comes from a healthy mind. Thoth is good at that. I could feel it without being able to put my finger on it. It was the peacefulness in his eyes, the love that surrounded him, his mind-blowing understanding of all areas of life, as well as his sense of Cosmic humor. Now is a time to follow your instinct regarding a partner for better or for worse. Reversed Star symbolizes negativity, disappointments, discouragement, and despair. With that level of openness, pain is transformed very quickly, and it never leaves any scars on your psyche. When you do, the Universe has your back. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website Learn more. To get there you first have to understand that there is hope in your situation and all is not lost. The hope in this card clearly shows that there is a path to getting your financial troubles on track. It is very much the opposite of the Devil card. On the work front the Star is a good omen that increased work is coming your way. Daily, Love, Career and Finance Reading. This card wants you to trust - trust yourself and trust the Universe.
You need to be wary of doing business that requires heavy investments or risk. There is a danger to want to push a relationship so it is perfect, and trying to create an “ideal” relationship. The solution is not as far away as you think and you are not alone. The Star card emphasizes that based on your current path unwanted changes are coming in one or more areas of your life and that you either need to prepare yourself or take steps to correct the current path that you are on.
Discouraging thoughts are draining you, things are not in your control and you have just given up. It is very much the opposite of the Devil card. If this card appears in your reading, then you are certainly blessed by the stars. The Star in Love. As the Star follows the Tower card in the Tarot, it comes as a welcome reprieve after a period of destruction and turmoil. And I have a new youtube channel…, Daily Tarot – Stop playing stupid mind games, Daily Tarot – let your dog teach you how to love, Daily Tarot – How to make love last forever, Osho taught me that anything is possible. If my insight resonates with you, click HERE to book a reading. You no longer have to learn from the contrast of darkness. That is why he is called a Master, and not a teacher.
On a more personal note, it can also tell you to take a look at your own emotions regarding love and take stock in areas where you have been hurt in the past. There are seven small stars on the Star card symbolizing the seven Chakras and one big star symbolizing your auric field. And now you are making everyone feel bad by flaunting your annoying happiness all over the place!” The envy comes from the fact that misery can only be tolerated in the company of other miserable people, hence the expression: “Misery loves company.” (Just not YOUR company, lol…) Miserable people understand where other miserable people are at, so they can comfort and soothe each other. The seventh Major Arcana card does not guarantee success, but it does promise that your hard work and perseverance will pay off. As a result, you’ll keep expanding by continuously becoming more and more loving, positive and hopeful.
While one pot replenishes the earth which is evident by the abundant greenery around, the other pot is used to fill the five springs of water. Usually it is time for you to make the needed changes by leaving an unhealthy relationship or workplace. If you are in a relationship, then your bond with your partner will strengthen.