This is just a brief snapshot of the card, but it will give you valuable info and prompts for further study and contemplation. What matters is divine intention.
At times, this card can even suggest moving to the next step of your relationship, such as marriage or starting a family. As for your career, being shown this card is a sign that true satisfaction is on its way, and that you’ll be rewarded for your hard work. Remember that your home and family are the foundations for your world. For those seeking love or feeling on the lonely side, it is a favorable sign that you are internally and emotionally ready to move ahead into something new. Troubles at home are likely being caused by some narrow-minded beliefs, pickiness or critical thinking. On a larger business scale, the World reversed indicates business and government setbacks, symbolizing a hostile world or business environment wrought with friction, sometimes caused by a point of corruption within the ranks. Now can be the time of thinking about other long term goals. If the Hermetic axiom is "Know Thyself", this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of self is followed to creative freedom and its ultimate realization.
Now is a time to allow yourself to shine, relish in what you have accomplished, and perhaps even brag a little bit.
To encounter the World in your cards is to encounter a great unity and wholeness. I’ve been passionate about Tarot ever since I was a teenager and my love for Tarot hasn’t ever gone away.
The World indicates that the consultant has reached the end of their journey and is now ready to start another cycle.
The work you have already put into place will find a reward for you.
She symbolizes balance and evolution in movement.
Or have you fallen just shy of what you wanted to accomplish?
You have this sense of wholeness and self understanding right now, giving you great opportunities to meet new and exciting people, as well as charm and magnetism. The Tarot is a traditional reading that has been around for thousands of years and provides us with an insight into many aspects of our lives, including love, relationships, our careers, our wellbeing and not forgetting our future. You'll get an email guiding you in your first steps as a witch, wizard or mage. The goddess of The World card invites us into cosmic citizenship -- once we come to realize our soul's potential for it. For now, enjoy the moment. The Magician is card number one and the Justice card is number eleven.
In a reading regarding earthy topics of health, wealth or wellness, the World reversed shows a rigid or traditional world view that is stubborn in sticking to traditions. Have you finally accomplished a big career goal that you wanted for a long time, only to find that the rewards aren’t quite as sweet as you thought they were? Take time to network and to think outside the box. The meaning of The World card is that you are reaching a point in your day or situation where all things are truly coming full circle. Having either of these two cards appear in a reading with The World makes for a powerful release of energy.