The consumer would. ", --------------------- UNJUST ENRICHMENT ----------------, Unjust Enrichment : (see Canons of Taxation), It is not acceptable that Tax on Family Homes is used to:-, --------------- ARBITRARY SEIZURE of PROPERTY ------, Arbitrary Seizure of property by the State:-, ------ REFUND of  PROPERTY TAX on FAMILY HOMES ---, ----------- Bankocracy NOT Democracy! One of the most pervasive myths about Texas is that it’s a low-tax, low-spending state. What are the Due Dates? It’s true that Texas doesn’t have a state income tax. ---------------- FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAX  -------. It is an EU sponsored law and not acceptable. --------------------------. Many Texans think their property taxes are too high. The Department of Revenue (DOR) does not and cannot administer, advocate, or adjudicate municipal taxpayer issues. Because it's true.

In Texas, we raise money for government primarily through steep property taxes and an unusually high state sales tax. But Texas’s per-capita government spending. (The logic behind property taxes, of course, is that property owners ought to pay for services that not only make life livable but also increase the value of that property.)

Period!!!! ----------------------------- LPT is a 2-TIER TAX ----------------------, The LPT tax on Family Home Owners is a 2-Tier Tax, ------------------------ LOCAL SERVICES -----------------. It is sad that elderly people desperately scrimp and save to pay the property tax to try and stay in their homes and when they fail to pay Revenue (TDs) take it from their medical expenses refunds. Sales tax is a one time, up front, tax on something. Clothing (remember Gov fell due to tax on children's shoes). districts will continue to value us out of our properties.

Many other EU countries have FTT tax on financial transactions including Germany and France. ------------------ RURAL HOME OWNERS --------------------, What Rural Home Owners get for their LPT Property Tax, ------------------------ INHERITANCE TAX ------------------. Click here to find your Rep. By Andre’ Gabriel Esparza –

property is whatever, whenever, was the purchase price, appraisal

Channel your frustration into something that would actually improve Texas and your life: it’s time to replace both types of taxes with a state income tax. But the highly regressive sales tax would put even more of a burden on those who can least afford it. The Government earns no money - it belongs to you the hard working taxpayer), ****************** LIFE ESSENTIALS  *******************, Life Essentials should not be taxed in modern fair Democracies:-, ---------------- NOT WEALTH or ASSETS -------------. “There, William, I tweeted it,” Abbott continued.

It is unacceptable that there is no FTT in Ireland, yet Family homes are taxed. Minnesota).

Someday, we might have an honest discussion about that.

Exchanging goods through barter, trade, and buying things straight from the hands of others could help block additional taxes.

Legitimate and just Taxes are those which have the support and consent of the electorate. Consumption is everything! We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. You have a duty to yourself, your family and the wider community to "Bring Your Brains to the Polling Booths" and drain the swamp of "Fake TDs", ************** A Social Media Experiment *************. Massachusetts Property and Excise Taxes Here you will find helpful resources to property and various excise taxes administered by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) and/or your city/town. This LPT Tax Law on Family Homes does NOT have the support or consent of the Irish electorate and is therefore not legitimate. Those things cost a lot of money, and that money has to come from somewhere. Illustration by Bolora Munkhbold; Abbott: Drew Anthony Smith/Getty, Receipts: belterz/Getty. ---------  DUBLIN HOME OWNERS FLEECED -----------------, "Due to the severe shortage of Family Homes in Ireland because of the financial crash and housing crisis, Dublin house values will be artificially inflated to bubble proportions, leading to Dublin home owners being "fleeced" by LPT property tax next year. A Pro Liberty, Pro Freedom, Human Rights Activist, very involved in a wide variety of Activism and Exposing the Truth at all costs. prop up banks pension funds, bonuses and inflated salaries. Swapping property taxes for sales taxes would heap even more of that burden on those who can least afford it.