I’m a big fan of yours. for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.new) 2. I just started with your course and created HelloWorld Before update trigger on lead in a brand new dev instance and have copied the trigger code exactly as you have. Still, declarative coding, will never fire upon delete, so if somebody deletes an open case, Account will still show an open one. FYI I am new to Apex. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Salesforce.com - where you build things on the force.com platform. Now I’m thinking to pursue another certification. could you please provide me an insight on this ? @David, When is the Apex Academy 4 course coming ? childCase.IsEscalated = true; On the Warranty Summary code, I’m trying to get the trigger saved into Salesforce to work on my test class, but for the following: I am receiving an error saying expression cannot be assigned. Both of my children grew up in Primrose. CompetitorPrices.add(opp.Competitor_3_Price__c); //Create the list to store all the Competiotors https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/?id=906F0000000BUaeIAG. Most importantly though, stay healthy and hug your loved ones extra tight. I have the same question. } The core concepts are all the same regardless of which code editor you use, so you should be fine! In this course, Apex Academy: The Power of SOQL, you get to see this power first hand. I am getting few errors messages when I test my trigger. For the best possible experience on our website, please accept cookies. I gotta make that more clear in the vid! I wonder if it makes sense to fire a Trigger when the “In Progress” checkbox ISCHANGED to True, I have a long way to go but I found what mattered- the drive and initiative to learn something completely new!! // Populate summary fields Real-world Salesforce examples drawn from my experiences working in over 50 different Salesforce orgs, including Google’s! Hello! Keywords.add(‘Passport’); //Step2 : Check to see if any of our case contains secret keywords IMO start learning Lightning, VIsualforce is dying! Behind every advanced Salesforce developer is a strong understanding of fundamental coding techniques in Apex. Aja!! David Liu is a self-taught programmer whose dreams came true when he became a Salesforce Technical Architect at Google. In its place, we have a web of process builders, workflows, custom apex and more which handle notifications and alerts interdepartmentally as well as externally to our dealerships communities. Taught by a Salesforce Technical Architect who works at Google. For the entire month of April, all courses in the Apex Academy are FREE!! Thank you! But, there such a large amount of info and so many directions to go within Trailhead it is bewildering. When creating the HelloWorld trigger (I checked every single line of code), the trigger fires as soon as I click on on a dummy Lead. Thanks in advance for your time! I have experienced the same thing. i need a lot of hand holding and comprehensive step by step instructions. if (myCase.Description != null && myCase.Description.containsIgnoreCase(keyword)) { I’ve already given out over a hundred scholarships and I intend to continue helping those in need! trigger CaseChild on Case (after insert, before update) 3. restarted the sublime text. Created by David Liu, SF99 provides you with multiple courses and tutorials to learn Salesforce coding from scratch. I want to know when will your Course #4 and Course #5 will be released. lead1.LastName = ‘World’; Thank you David and thank you for all you do! [Updated for 2020!] Do you know roughly when you will be launching course #4?