Updates to border crossing and traveling within Washington State and Whatcom County can be found on… One respondent commented, “My family and others in my community do not want this ferry service. WTA will also provide a transit connection from Blaine Harbor to Cordata Station in Bellingham. That community was largely cut …
That was two or three weeks ago. Point Roberts Emergency Ferry The Port is offering short-term, emergency transportation service from Point Roberts to Bellingham to help Whatcom County residents who have been unable to access critical goods and services due to the closure of the Canadian border to … Despite the fact that a dedicated school bus shuttles children from Point Roberts to Blaine Washington to school prior to the epidemic no similar service has been allowed for residents who are stranded.
Three deaths, 267 new COVID-19 cases in B.C. One of these oddities is the town of Point Roberts Washington, which is what they call an exclave – “a portion of a state geographically separated from the main part by surrounding alien territory”. San Juan Cruises’ 50-foot vessel Salish Sea and 100-foot vessel Salish Express are being utilized for the service. Your support is vital to helping us provide free local news. We do not want this ferry service to Point Roberts!”, Another one wrote, “Spend your energy working with Canada to open the border to Point Roberts residents. Free Webinar~ Communities & COVID-19: Age-Friendly Approaches. “This is great!
With Covid-19, who wants to take a mass transit bus and rent a vehicle when they arrive [in] Bellingham? Others were more appreciative. A temporary ferry service operating between Point Roberts and Blaine will begin Tuesday, August 25, according to Port of Bellingham executive director Rob Fix. “The last time I spoke to the British Columbia leadership we could not think of a way to solve this problem. Wind: 0.0 mph, N, © Copyright 2020 All Point Bulletin |, Please log in to comment by clicking here, First flu clinic at SuperTrack Urgent Clinic, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. Ahead of the Curve, On the Leading Edge, at the Next Frontier, Marc Lee Is Looking There, In a World of Acrimonious Political Discourse, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones Has Some Words of Hope, Mark Sakai on Building For a Warming Future, the Grand Bargain, and Housing Affordability. As reported in the Bellingham Herald by Dave Gallagher that will change this week when The Port of Bellingham and Whatcom Transportation Authority will provide a short-term, passenger-only ferry which will take Point Roberts residents to the Blaine Harbor. As reported in the Bellingham Herald by Dave Gallagher that will change this week when The Port of Bellingham and Whatcom Transportation Authority will provide a short-term, passenger-only ferry which will take Point Roberts residents to the Blaine Harbor. “We’re at the mercy of the federal governments on both sides of the border largely on this. The initial ferry schedule is shown below.
A border solution must be found and everyone recognizes that.”.