A quick bread is a bread without yeast. Might give it a try.
Because baking powder is a quick-acting leavening agent you don’t need to allow time for it to rise before baking. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup of milk anyway, so no wonder you ended up with a soup Maybe try actually reading the instructions next time? It should rise significantly- did you use the correct amount of vinegar? This recipe is very versatile. It’s 2 cups, so my bread turned out horribly. For slightly longer shelf life, you can store in the fridge and it will remain fresh for up to 7 days.
Using a 1/4 sized measuring cup, add the milk/vinegar mixture slowly, until just combined. I will try this next time with the lemon juice but the loaf I made yesterday was delicious. Would this work? Thanks! Soya or other non diary is fine, or use milk powder, or watered down yogurt. Without toasting, it can be quite bland, and also quite dense. Instead of yeast, it uses baking soda (bicarbonate soda) as the leavening agent. If you don’t have a toaster, you can easily ‘pan toast’ it in a non-stick pan or in an oven, using the oven racks as a toaster. Before my son went to University I adapted a recipe so he could make himself bread without scales (he used a measuring jug) and it was cooked in a frying pan to avoid using an oven contaminated with gluten containing flour from pizzas cooked by other students. Amazing that you can make bread in such a short time. Yum!!! Using a 1/4 cup, add your curdled milk into it in two increments, and mix gently, until just combined.
1 & 1/3 cups milk To check if the bread is done, flip it over and tap the bottom side and it should sound almost hollow. So I added a bit more milk and this seemed to do the trick. https://fussfreeflavours.com/category/recipes/baking/bread-baking/.
How to make No-Knead Bread-Sift flour-Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and create a well in the center of the flour.Activate yeast– Add the warm water, salt, sugar, and yeast into the well.Gently stir. And fast. I don’t see why not – fat in the ilk just makes it a little moister. Thanks.
I am a total novice. I would definitely make it again! Using a sharp knife, score the top of the dough, cutting an "X" that is about ¾ inches deep. I baked mine for 40 minutes and it came out great. I have just tried this recipe and it turned out so good! Or is it the baking soda that gave it this taste? I love homemade bread with a nice warm bowl of soup. Soda bread is a popular type of quick bread. The Basics of a Bread Recipes Without Yeast. Hi Maytee, I am sorry it wasn’t right – it is definitely tsp which are teaspoons – tbs is a tablespoon. came out lovely and crispy. Oh yeah I used an egg in there as well cooked it a little lower temperature for a little bit longer it almost turned out like focaccia. The instructions say not to use whole wheat flour. This sounds a great bread recipe. The dough should be wet, but not extremely sticky.