The incident began on Wednesday after the politician weighed in on the news that philanthropist Bill Gates was attempting to convince his fellow billionaires to donate more money to coronavirus relief.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 25, 2020. “Hey there! David Covucci is the Layer 8 editor at the Daily Dot, covering the intersection of politics and the web. Some Twitter users speculated that the reason media darling AOC was not black a few months ago, but claims to be black now, may have something to do with a competition for victimhood. Hikind, a longtime Jewish leader, is among more than 20 people Ocasio-Cortez has muted online, a decision she makes “if she feels the posts start reaching a point where it’s not constructive, where it’s an attack and where the person becomes so polarizing that she cannot have a conversation with them and they’re amplifying their platform,” explained Rodriguez. But nothing drew more hyperpartisan discussion than when Biden likened President Trump to virulently anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Hikind said he was blocked by Ocasio-Cortez after he tweeted at her about her controversial comments in June comparing migrant centers at the border to concentration camps. Can anybody help us get AOC to respond?” Nader wrote on Twitter, adding a signature to show the tweet actually came from him. “Rabin’s legacy inspires us all,” the group wrote on Twitter. view the archived version of aoc's tweet After deleting her post, Ocasio-Cortez tried again, writing: "This snapshot is being acknowledged as a turning point in the climate movement. Goldberg was referring to Ocasio-Cortez’s landmark “Green New Deal” proposal, which includes policies such as socialist healthcare via “Medicare for all,” upgrading every building in the United States, a federal job guarantee, “free” college, and more. US freelance journalist Alex Kane, who first raised questions about Ocasio-Cortez’s participation in the event, said Friday that her withdrawal would not have happened five years ago. Your California Privacy Rights, — Ruben D. Sanchez Jr (@rdsanchezjr) June 22, 2020, — Adan Salazar (@AdanSalazarWins) June 22, 2020. Catholics who value their liberty will work to keep Biden and Harris — their betrayer and their persecutor — away from the White House. But the idea that this makes it cost less or free is simply false — a lie. Ultra Slim: AOC Razor’s incredible thinness is only 9 mm, which makes it the slimmest of all current 23-inch monitors. These bitches real brave then suddenly its tweets not loading. “If only there were some public fund billionaires could pay into along with everyone else that helps fund our infrastructure, hospitals, and public systems all at once,” Ocasio-Cortez jokingly said, referring to taxes. In the wake of the George Floyd race riots, the left has focused its attention almost exclusively on black Americans. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez snapped back at former Louisiana Gov. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
It does not have a price tag or CBO score and costs us $0 if passed.Read:, if by "claps back" you mean spews nonsense and lies