And have fun! The routes they are willing to tackle are incredible, some of which leave them pushing their bike as much as riding it.
They have cycled 37,282 miles across 30 countries and have a very organized blog pulling together tips from many different riders. ... 6 Months After the Arrival in . We surprised a lot of cycle tourists we met on the road, as unlike them we'd managed to secure a 3-month visa with a 2-year entry from the UK.
We asked our resident bagpiper (seriously) to put the new Travoy through its paces.
That being said, this blog will save you some time as sign posting isn’t used at the port. Alles rund um die Planung einer Radtour: Wissen, Tipps & Informationen, Fahrräder, Ausrüstung & Zubehör ausprobiert, Interessante Menschen über ihre Radtouren & Räder, verwendet Cookies und Google Analytics mit Opt-Out Option, Einer aus Neugier, einer als Race und einer zum Genuss: Meine Orbit360 Touren 2020, Fontane, Draisinen, Zisterzienser & die Alte Oder: Eine kleine Tour durch Brandenburg, Heimat auf die harte Tour: Von Hamburg nach Leipzig (fast) Non-Stop, 32 Schlafsäcke bis 1.000g für Radreise und Bikepacking, Sleep well in your Bettgestell: mein Schlafsack & Isomatte für unterwegs, DAS Reiserad 2020: Die große Auswertung – Teil 2, DAS Reiserad 2020: Die große Auswertung – Teil 1, Mullet, Baby! Ein Blog rund ums Reisen mit dem Rad - und auch ohne!
Round the world bicycle touring blog and resources.
3. All about the gear we love and the bikes that we've ridden all around the world. At Baku you can now buy your tickets for the ferry at the ferry port and finding your way around isn't too difficult as the staff are really kind and helpful.
Neil and Harriet Pike have spent years riding and mapping out desolate roads and high passes in the Andes mountains.
Late-season favorites to cover you for the last of the dog days and the onset of fall riding.
Hier geht es um nahe und ferne Länder, Räder, Bilder, Menschen, Abenteuer, Ausrüstung und Tipps. Alastair Humphreys is a huge inspiration to us and the bike touring community as a whole.
Fast täglich. Climbing across the challenging TransVirginia Route. 60.000 km und 51 Länder, noch nicht müde! These destinations are guaranteed to please.
The sum of those 3 scores is the blog's total score.
Study what the other blogs are doing and get ready for the next update!
Pounding out 2,000 kilometers in 30 days wouldn’t, Using the links below, you can download the GPS tracks for the most popular EuroVelo Routes. helps all cyclists discover cycle touring buddies & friends.
The data was collected on November 6th, 2019 for the current list.
Ausgabe des BiketourGlobal Podcast Season 2!
Our visas were due to expire and we had a ferry to catch to Korea. An evening in Kastamonu, Turkey with a perfect Warmshowers host & his friends, Cycling & how I started riding as an adult.
We quickly threw ourselves into a 1,022 mile bike tour of the UK to make sure I enjoyed it - needless to say - I love it! Before owning my bike I was lazy, I drove everywhere so fuel costs alone paid for the bike, now I cycled...everywhere!
My plan for whenever borders reopen is a possible world tour and so am looking for a bike that can cope with pretty much anything that can reasonably be thrown at it. Das Surly Bridge Club offenbart erst auf den zweiten…, Carsten ist Rechtsanwalt, Kampfsportler, Coach, Vortragsredner und vor allem Radreisender. Mat and Ania take wonderful photos and I think they have been touring for about a year now. Road to Frame. If you're using a dedicated GPS device (including GARMIN), download the GPX files.
Bikepacking Bikes & Dirt Touring Rigs. It's been an incredible learning journey, and one that continues almost every time I get on the bike. Your very first visit to a Third World country leaves a big impression. We've saved enough money to quit our jobs and travel the world unemployed. These interviews form a series I've entitled ‘Meet the Cyclists'. 1. The bicycle touring tips listed below, are the result of quite a few years spent cycling around the world. You can also download our tried and tested routes, and soon we're bringing you gear reviews, guides, bike equipment lists, reviews and more.
My only advise for crossing this border would be to remove / back up images to save yourself time and if you have a SIM card that will pick up a Chinese carrier I’d just remove it to save some hassle- stick it in the bottom of a pannier.