Of course, regressions look different every time and for every child. While it may seem like the 9-month sleep regression goes on forever — especially when you are in the midst of it — don’t fret: Regressions are temporary, with most lasting 2 to 6 weeks. I got the app and it is so validating for what she is going through right now. Sleep regressions are hard, and the 9-month sleep regression is no different. Understanding what's…. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. If this doesn’t happen, you might have night wakings. This leaves your child feeling more tired, which, believe it or not, causes them to have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Sleep regressions can last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks and often coincide with cognitive or developmental milestones. Another common cause for a sleep regression is related to schedule adjustment. Have a bedtime routine and a nap routine. You can read about what to do when your two year old has sleep problems in this post. It's not a scientific or medical term, but you may hear it from parents, sleep consultants, and even pediatricians. Many babies also need more mental and physical stimulation during wake time activities around 9-10 months old. Here's how to tell if your baby is overtired, and what to do. Around this time they’ll start regulating their day/night schedule so that there’s more time spent asleep at night rather than during the day. This isn’t super common, but if your baby is experiencing some sleep troubles at this age, it might be due to the wonder week or possibly a growth spurt. In this post, we will discuss what a sleep regression is, the signs of a sleep regression, causes of a sleep regression, how long a sleep regression will last, common ages for sleep regressions, and what to do about a sleep regression. This Wonder Week coincides with the 8/9/10 month sleep regression. But it really is just one regression that hits babies at different ages. It's especially hard when you've gotten used to easier nights and are suddenly back in the land of the sleep-deprived. This is the magic mark were many babies begin to catnap and start sleeping worse in the day. developmental milestone, Traveling, which inevitably involves sleeping in a new environment. It’s also common for babies around nine months old to wake up more frequently. However, parents commonly report problems with their child's sleep patterns at 4 months, 9 months, and 1 year old. There may be several reasons why babies regress at 9 months, though the most predominant theory is that they’re undergoing a developmental change or leap. You might even need to go back as far as two weeks. You may notice that your baby begins waking up more than usual during the night, taking less frequent or shorter naps, having trouble falling asleep, and just being overall more cranky and attached to you. Watch for patterns. The 8-week baby sleep regression. Another common cause for a sleep regression is related to schedule adjustment. Commonly sleep regressions tend to happen at 6 weeks, 3-4 months, 6 months, 8-10 months, 12 months, 18 months and 2 years old. But progress in parenting is rarely if ever linear, meaning you rarely make strides without having events that also seem to be taking you backward. Some parents mistake this regression as a sign to go to one nap, which is an example of changing the schedule incorrectly and leading to sleep problems. Baby’s … My 9 week old was sleeping from midnight to 6-7am every night for the last 4 weeks. Possible explanations for sleep regression include: Typically, no. Ensure your baby is getting enough sleep during the day, as overtired babies are more likely to have problems sleeping at night. Huge changes are happening for your baby during this leap. You have managed to be getting good sleep, or at least improved sleep, only to have that suddenly disappear! Restless sleep due to frequent late-night feedings. In other words, it isn’t your fault.