To support Groups offering Scouts virtually (and thank you for this) we’re in discussions to make software available to you.
Our legal costs also continue to mount. Still a go. We’re in active conversation with Government, the National Lottery Community Fund, trusts, foundations and other funding bodies around the UK to identify new sources of income to support you. In the filing, Boy Scout officials said they were "aware of threatened and expanding litigation of a similar nature.". How we’re supporting the movement in different ways. The Boy Scouts has hired law firm Sidley Austin to explore a potential chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, according to The Wall Street Journal. We’ve faced challenging times in the past. Even in the face of these mounting pressures, we knew we had to cut our costs. This money has been specifically set aside for supporting local community services, including Scouts. On February 18, 2020, the National BSA filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and is currently restructuring its financial situation. But we will do what we have to for the good of our movement.
All rights reserved. This is fundamental to what we do and we will not compromise in this area.
Let’s remember that for many families, but we know not all, Scouts is affordable. We also encourage you to claim Gift Aid. We’re also committed to continuing to invest in our safeguarding services and safety support to keep young people safe. Because Scouting is simply too important to risk.
The Boy Scouts of America is exploring a range of options to address it's increasingly shaky financial situation. On Wednesday, Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh shared on his blog that “our daily mission will continue and that there are no imminent actions or immediate decisions expected.”.
As a reminder, many of the costs carried by UK Headquarters are fixed, including insurance for the movement, or unavoidable costs like legal services or the cost of safeguarding. Other institutions facing multifaceted sexual abuse scandals have sought bankruptcy protection recently.
Charity numbers: 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland).
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Without a clear end to the situation in sight, the future of our movement is at stake. We must therefore be realistic and practical too. © Copyright The Scout Association 2020. Paul Mones, a lawyer who has handled many sex-abuse lawsuits targeting the Boy Scouts, said the organization has assets of more than $1 billion, according to the Associated Press. The World Scout Jamboree needs you on staff. We’ve also seen a rise in the number of complaints. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Bring it on. And with the BSA’s move to welcome girls, there’s real momentum. £29 per youth member, per year (prompt payment discount to £28.50), 60% of this fee in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is retained by the Nation Headquarters (40% goes to UK Headquarters), UK Headquarters spends c. £21m each year on core activities, Commercial and fundraising income contributes c. £9m.
During these challenging times, the Boy Scouts of America needs you more than ever.
We therefore need to plan as best we can in the face of this uncertainty. We’ll share more on this as soon as it’s confirmed. Join 13,882 people who get Bryan on Scouting in their inbox.
The group's latest annual report describes the scout's future finances as partly dependent on how litigation related to sex-abuses cases is resolved and any damages are awarded. In spite of the action we have taken above, we ended last year with a c. £2.5m deficit and are likely facing a minimum of a £3.5m deficit for 2020-21 principally as a result of COVID-19, and it could be a lot more. We will need to review our costs again and it’s likely we’ll need to sell assets – not an attractive prospect when the market is low, and so we will need to borrow more in the short term. Six weeks on since we suspended face to face meetings and activities, Chief Executive, Matt Hyde, and UK Chief Commissioner, Tim Kidd, talk frankly about the pressures facing the movement, locally and nationally. One volunteer who joined us said ‘they had never felt so connected to Headquarters.’, Financial impact of Covid-19 on UK Headquarters.
Lobbying government, trusts and funds for new income. We don’t know when we can return to face to face meetings and activities. On February 1, 2019, the Boy Scouts of America renamed its flagship program, Boy Scouts, to Scouts BSA to reflect its policy change allowing girls to join separate, gender-specific troops.
These very groups, and others who have unexpectedly found themselves in a difficult situation due to the impact of COVID-19, are now under threat.