$300 of that is a commitment fee that will go directly to your player’s team dues immediately upon accepting a spot with a team. (Refund requests should go to: **IF THE TRYOUT FEE IS NOT PAID WITHIN 45 MINUTES OF YOUR REGISTRATION, THE REGISTRATION WILL BE DELETED AND YOU WILL LOSE THE SPOT.
SPECTATORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK AT ALL TIMES IN THE FACILITY. Any further communication about travel tryouts will be sent to the email that was provided upon registration for tryouts. New numbers are now available from USA Hockey. Capital Amateur Hockey Association is pleased to announce the following information related to travel hockey tryouts for the upcoming 2020-2021 season.
The try-out fee is $400. Beginning the week of September... 1 SPECTATOR PER PLAYER FOR VISITING TEAMS. CAHA and the Colorado Avalanche have partnered to "grow the game" in Colorado through a series of programs and funding initiatives. DRYLAND TRAINING IS NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE FACILITY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. document.write('<' + 'a href="mai' + 'lto:' + em + "?subject=" + '" title="Click to email this person">' + ename + '<' + '/a>'); To receive the refund, the CAHA team must be notified in a timely manner and before A tryouts are complete for CAHA. The Colorado Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) is the state governing body for youth hockey in Colorado. CENTER ICE SPECTATOR POLICY CAHA Tryout Schedule: *** UPDATED INFORMATION 7/1/20****. The organization's goal is to provide the opportunity and means for as, For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Calendar If your player does not make a CAHA travel team, you will receive a refund in the amount of $300 (commitment fee). ***, 10U A – CAHA hopes to have a 10U-A team. Tuesday 6:00-7:00pm and Friday 5:50-6:50pm, Tuesday 7:10-8:10pm and Thursday 6:40-7:40pm, Monday 5:30-6:30pm and Wednesday 7:10-8:10pm, Monday 6:40-7:40pm and Wednesday 8:20-9:20pm, The Canton-Akron Hockey Association is a non-profit association that was established with the primary goal of promoting participation, education and interest in amateur ice hockey. NOTE: The ONLY exceptions to the registration deadline is for players who played for the Ohio AAA Blue Jackets during the 2019-2020 season and do not make the team for the upcoming season. For those trying out elsewhere, please be open and honest with the coaches when a CAHA offer is made. If your player does not make a CAHA travel team, the $300 will be refunded to you. CAHA is proud to have been a leader within USA Hockey by establishing statewide concussion protocol five years ago. Coaches will have a list of registered players. Your player will need to have their NEW (2020-2021) USA Hockey number before you can register. However, whether A teams are formed and the make-up of A teams (single birth year or mixed birth years) depends on a variety of factors (coaches, number of players trying out, etc). Updated information about tryouts can be found on the Travel Tryout 2020-2021 webpage. Here are the. Sep 26, 2020. VOLUNTEERS IN THE SCORERS TABLE AND PENALTY BOX MUST WEAR A MASK. em="dan.cousineau" + '@' + em; em="cahahockey.com"; instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. We offer house, select and travel programs for boys and girls ages 5-14. Capital Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) is a local youth hockey organization in Central Ohio that strives to provide a great hockey experience for all youth hockey players – from beginners to experienced players. If you have a player in this situation, please email dan.cousineau@cahahockey.com or bill.graver@cahahockey.com for information about late registration. We will be sending further details and information to the email that you used to register your player about safety protocols, process protocols, and a variety of other important information as we get ready for tryouts. ***, 12U A - CAHA hopes to have a 12U-A team. If your player makes a CAHA team, but your player declines, the $300 fee will not be refunded (see below for Bantam exception). TEMPERATURES OF PLAYERS/COACHES WILL NOT BE TAKEN! As well, with expected limitations on the number of kids who can be on the ice and bench at the same time, it is crucial that only players who are interested in playing travel hockey at CAHA are a part of the tryout process.