This will make them feel safe as well bring out their colors.
The Celebes Rainbowfish Marosatherina ladigesi (previously Telmatherina ladigesi) was described by Ahl in 1936. It lives in very large schools in areas with dense vegetation, so it is an ideal candidate for the planted aquarium and especially enjoys the cover of floating plants. Yet there is no getting around the fact that these fish are delicate.
Emma Owen
Cool Fish
A planted aquarium is best for this peaceful Rainbowfish. It has two dorsal fins, one that is small and black and the other that is larger and two-toned. Several small feedings a day are recommended in lieu of feeding single large portions. It has remained an aquarium favorite since its introduction in the 1930's. Celebes Rainbow fish can be housed with other peaceful shoaling species in at least a 20 gallon aquarium that is densely planted with a sandy or fine gravel substrate, some smooth river rock, a few pieces of driftwood, and plenty of free swimming space. The Celebes Rainbowfish is a timid fish, so it can easily be out-competed for food by more aggressive eaters, so care must be taken to ensure that it gets its share of food. My Favorites
Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! It is found in both fresh and brackish water environments in Indonesia, specifically Sulawesi (formerly Celebes). The Celebes Rainbowfish is not too difficult to breed. Jungle's Pets and Animal Speak - Newsletter, Freshwater Aquarium Guide: Aquarium Setup and Care, Animal-World References: Freshwater Fish and Plants, Aquarium Fishes (Eyewitness Handbooks S.), Rainbowfishes of Australia and Papua New Guinea, View (2) Animal Stories on Celebes Rainbowfish, View (0) Buy/Sell requests on Celebes Rainbowfish. Besides Celebes Rainbow, it is also known as the Celebes Sailfish and Celebes Sailfin. Bob Sydnor 386.295-8834, 602.268-1462, Freshwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr. Tags: Celebes Rainbow (Marosatherina ladigesi), Telmatherina ladigesi, tropical fish keeping. F.A.Q.
*FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. Emma, Sorry for the late reply Because of this turbulence, the waters they live in have a very high oxygen content. These are good options that will tolerate the salt and harder water the Celebes Rainbowfish likes.The substrate should be a fine gravel. Spawning takes place over moss or the eggs may be laid among plants. Beginner's Fish, Baby Fish
CELEBES RAINBOW (Marosatherina ladigesi) Regular price $6.99 We have 25 left in stock. They due best in more of subdued lighting, which can be accomplished with bulbs or just add floating plants.
Lake Victoria, West Africa and Madagascar, Iridescent Shark (Pangasius hypophthalmus), Christmas Fulu (Xystichromis phytophagus), Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans), Head and Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer). The Celebes Rainbow is a beautiful schooling fish that will do well with other peaceful fishes.
Family: Atherinopsidae L253), Xingu Apistogramma (Apistogramma agassizzi 'Xingu'), Inirida Spotted Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla cf.