The scratch of the expression was the line drawn on the ground in various sporting events: prize fighting, cockfighting, foot racing, and others.   |  Contact Marathi Dictionary : English to Marathi and Marathi to English | competent, KHANDBAHALE.COM functional competence definition: basic skills and behaviour that are needed to do a job successfully: . The earliest recorded written use of the expression was in James K. Paulding’s The Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jonathan (1813).   |  Radio, © KHANDBAHALE.COM   |  Youtube ,   Santali Webster’s Third cites W. H. Whyte: If your work wasn’t up to snuff … you’d hear about it quick enough. Competence meaning in hindi. b., [1585–95; < Middle French < Medieval Latin], There was no natural disinclination to be overcome, and I see no reason why a man should make a worse clergyman for knowing that he will have a, He had probably devoted more time than any one else to the study of this intricate and fascinating question; but study alone could not account for his complete and easy, When asked by the curious for testimony to his, When, however, they began to pass into a new region, his old fears of stupidity and in-, In short, the whole country was exhibiting the bustle of a thriving settlement, where the highways were thronged with sleighs, bearing piles of rough household furniture, studded, here and there, with the smiling faces of women and children, happy in the excitement of novelty; or with loads of produce, hastening to the common market at Albany, that served as so many snares to induce the emigrants to enter into those wild mountains in search of, The profits of his office and the sale of Ginevra's pictures gave the young couple a, I had never heard of your existence; but I had known your father; and from matters in my. Contestants who came “up to [the] scratch” were worthy competitors, ready to undertake the challenge and prove their mettle. Marathi Meaning of 'competence' No direct marathi meaning for the english word 'competence' has been found.

walk the chalk To pass the test, to meet the requirements. Check out the following synonyms for the same word which are very close in meaning. answer the bell To meet demands, requirements, or requests; to respond to a challenge, to pick up the glove or gauntlet. It is quite possible that this mark is the same as that of toe the mark, and as such is also the equivalent of scratch in up to scratch. A range of skill or ability: a task beyond his competence. ,   Tamil தமிழ்   |  Terms pass muster To pass inspection; to meet or surpass certain standards; to be approved or accepted; to succeed. Today it is used primarily for performance evaluation, but may be varied in context to specify any type of judgmental standard. ,   Manipuri মৈতৈলোন্ Literally the phrase refers to the sobriety test formerly given seamen: walking between parallel lines chalked on deck.