136 See, for example, Balla, ‘Interstate Professional Associations and the Diffusion of Policy Innovations’; Mintrom, ‘Policy Entrepreneurs and the Diffusion of Innovation’; Skocpol, Abend-Wein, Howard and Lehmann, ‘Women's Associations and the Enactment of Mothers’ Pensions in the United States’. Diffusion can also occur without, Implementation science is the study of what hap-, pens before, during, and after an innovation, adoption occurs, especially in organizational, cus on the period before dissemination, on field-, based tests of external validity to understand the, extent to which an evidence-based innovation is, effective under realistic practice conditions and, thus a good candidate for dissemination.
The field of dissemination and implementation (D&I) research in health has grown considerably in the past decade. Sustainabili-, ty is the subject of increasing study by implemen-, Policies have been long studied as innovations, in the diffusion tradition, starting with a seminal, US study about the spread of traffic-safety, diffusion studies about policies concerning edu-. The findings indicate that developing countries continue to face many challenges in implementing IP&C programs. innovations early relative to poor communities. However, uptake of the visit has been uneven. Hoffmann, Matthew * Views captured on Cambridge Core between
. The article will explore how the different initiatives are visible and influence the CSR implementation within different steel companies. However, existing studies mainly analyze whether consumers make online purchase and its influencing factors, but pay less attention to the changes in consumer size. ---Chris Mooney, editor of State Politics and Policy Quarterly "Democratic Laboratories goes beyond standard 'diffusion of innovation' approaches to analyze the complex interaction of interstate and intrastate political forces that shapes policy change. 126 See, for example, Weyland, Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion. Department of History and Politics, Drexel University (email: erin.r.graham@drexel.edu); Department of Political Science, University of Michigan (email: cshipan@umich.edu); and Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia (email: volden@virginia.edu), respectively. Congress established the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to design, test, and spread innovative payment and service delivery models that either reduce spending without reducing the quality of care or improve the quality of care without increasing spending. Radiology, a specialty within the framework of the Scientific Revolution, shows the complex scenery in which takes place doctor-patient relation and offers new expectations, possibilities and contradictions. Butler, Daniel M.
55 Adler, Emanuel, ‘The Emergence of Cooperation: National Epistemic Communities and the International Evolution of the Idea of Nuclear Arms Control’, International Organization, 46 (1992), 101–46, 56 Welch, Susan and Thompson, Kay, ‘The Impact of Federal Incentives on State Policy Innovation’, American Journal of Political Science, 24 (1980), 715–29. Graham, Erin R. Taken, influence can be thought of as psychological, and sociological barriers that serve to protect, the potential adopter from unworthy innova-, tions. Meade, The Meade Report on the Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation (London: George Allen & Unwin for the Institute of Fiscal Studies, 1978). The level of controversy surrounding new policy ideas influences diffusion (see, for instance, Scott P. Hays, ‘Patterns of Reinvention: The Nature of Evolution during Policy Diffusion’, Policy Studies Journal, 24 (1996), 551–66), perhaps leading to higher standards for judging successes elsewhere or to a stronger resistance to coercion or socialization. These changes often take the form of, that it produces enough benefit to justify its dis-. vations specifically in low-resource settings, strategy known as purposive dissemination or, Diffusion or the lack thereof is often well ex-, plained by three general sets of variables: each, the characteristics of adopters, especially poten-, actions, or social influence; and the larger social, and political context, including the salience of, issues related to the innovation, how proponents, and opponents frame the meaning of the inno-, vation, and the timing of its introduction.