They do look almost perfectly round bullseye eggs, don’t they? An age when you are too old to work to earn an income, an age when everything you took for granted, price of food, cost of medication, cost of renting a home, becomes too expensive for you to afford.
Bulls Eye Toast, sometimes called Toad in the Hole (although that also seems to be an entirely different English dish) is a great quick camping breakfast. That first kick in the morning and then a long slow puff of the cigarette (Warning: Cigarette companies and governments should take note that I am not promoting cigarette smoking, here.) A: Crack a fresh, unincubated egg into a bowl in good light. Fry the bread and circle so that it is Golden Brown on one side and then flip them both over. Bulls-eye (sweet), a spherical humbug; Bull's-Eye Barbecue Sauce; Bull's eye egg, sometimes meaning: Fried egg, in India and Indonesia; Poached egg, in India; Bullseye, a type of barcode; Bullseye, a daily lottery game in Lotto New Zealand. Watch how to cut Bullseye Glass Ribbons. Bake until egg whites are set but yolks are still runny, 8 to 9 minutes, rotating sheet halfway through (sprinkle with cheese, if using, during last 30 seconds of baking).
Better still no one would guess the bullseye egg was not fried. The more butter you add the tastier the bullseye egg gets. I forgot to mention that before you crack the egg into the ashtray do rub some butter on the dish. It was one of those mornings. When done put on a plate, squirt on some ketchup and add the circle of bread back on top. After all of my cooking experiments, here I was living off hard boiled eggs. There is more I would like to mention about eggs and lecithin but that has to be for another day. Quick Tip – Wet Scraping Kiln Shelves L188. Was I dreaming that I had too many hard boiled eggs and it was time for a change? I am lazy that way, so I add pepper and salt before cooking rather than after cooking. If you use plastic do check that the plastic will not warp when heated. Where was I? This bullseye is the tiny bit of rooster DNA, which doesn’t change the taste or nutrition of that egg at all.
This is a pretty simple meal, but there are a few things to keep in mind in order to get it right. There had to be a fast way of making a sunny side up bullseye egg. If we get a direct hit. In fact, the true sign that an egg is fertile is a white “bullseye” on the yolk. Please do note that your microwave oven may have a higher or lower power rating from mine, so you may try bullseye egg recipe a few times with different cooking times before you get your bullseye egg to your liking. Use the easy application technique shown here and you’ll be ready to make your mark! Just considering taking out the heavy wok / kuali from the cupboard, pouring in a lot of oil to fry a bullseye egg made me lose my appetite, at least the appetite for the bullseye egg. But for that style to last, proper installation is necessary. My God, who would have guessed that the Ethiopians invented coffee? May be I should just try something different for a change. Then as the sun peeped through the slightly ajar bedroom curtains I remembered those hard boiled eggs. Now a days I do not microwave the whole egg with the shell, as the cleaning operation is tedious and the likely repair bill could be expensive. The coffee is ready to be sipped. If you do not have any medical insurance or anything invested in a proper fund manager or a proper pension plan or your own home, life is going to be very difficult for you in your old age. There was a pot of eggs in my dream, so that must be the universe with many suns and planets all caught in the expanding universe. Just to let you know I am still working on the chocolate cake recipe (& the bullseye egg) to improve it so that the bake time is about 10 minutes. Transform your studio into a glass tile factory instantly! In my younger days, when I had nothing else to do, I had tried microwaving a whole egg, shell and all. You may want to check out this site on bullseye egg.