The Adoration of the Blessed sacrament " To speak of the Blessed Sacrament is to speak of what is most sacred. Among the former those most inculcated are renunciation of Satan, adoration of Ormazd, purity of soul and body, and care of the cow. Sentence with the word adoration. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. The most general application of the word is to such a representation when used as an object of religious worship or adoration, or as a decorative or architectural ornament in places of religious worship. 139. He appreciated the adoration Jonathan bestowed on him. Adoration sentence examples. This did not prevent its having a considerable following, which after Apollinaris's death divided into two sects, the more conservative taking its name (Vitalians) from Vitalis, bishop of Antioch, the other (Polemeans) adding the further assertion that the two natures were so blended that even the body of Christ was a fit object of adoration.
Because my aunt is childless, she has adoration for all her nieces and nephews. Indeed, Chaitanya himself, as well as his immediate disciples, have come to be regarded as complete or partial incarnations of the deity to whom adoration is due, as to Krishna himself; and their modern successors, the Gosains, share to the fullest extent in the devout attentions of the worshippers. The distinctive features of their creed consist in their making Rama and Sita, either singly or conjointly, the chief objects of their adoration, instead of Vishnu and Lakshmi, and their attaching little or no importance to the observance of privacy in the cooking and eating of their food. All the more are, however, the gross stimulants, connected with the adoration of his consort, calculated to work up the carnal instincts of the devotees to an extreme degree of sensual frenzy. , Because my aunt is childless, she has adoration for all her nieces and nephews. She was too used to this adoration. The worship of the Manichaeans must have been very simple, and must have essentially consisted of prayers, hymns and ceremonies of adoration. In adoration likewise and invocation. The church of St Mary is Perpendicular, with a fine porch, a painting of the Adoration of the Magi, attributed to Rubens, a small crypt said to have been used by Cromwell as a prison for the Royalists, and many interesting monuments. Then follows the "adoration of the cross" (a ceremony derived from the church of Jerusalem and said to date back to near the time of Helena's "invention of the cross"); the hymns Pange lingua and Vexilla regis are sung, and then follows the "Mass of the Presanctified.". It was an act of adoration or thanksgiving, much longer in Eastern than in Western rituals, but in both classes of rituals beginning with the form" Lift up your hearts,"and ending with the Ter Sanctus or Trisagion.
So everyone knows that David Archuleta has won the adoration of fans around the world, but what about the critics? adoration of the Magi by Rubens which is in Kings College Chapel. , I expressed my adoration for my parents by dedicating my performance to them.
During lockdown, with car traffic substantially reduced, many people discovered – or rediscovered – the advantages and pleasures of cycling.
2. Second comes his adoration for the corporate world. 2. A form of iconolatry specially deprecated in the New Testament was the then prevalent adoration of the images of the reigning emperors (see Rev. 31. But adoration turned to feelings of inadequacy. Adoration definition: Adoration is a feeling of great admiration and love for someone or something. She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.
Use "organisation" in a sentence. These two fan favorites need no introduction - their love story is fabled and flawed, and their unique looks and endearing personalities instantly commanded adoration. This was love unblinded by adoration. ‘The nights are fair drawing in’ is a trope about the weather that applies powerfully as you read this. In the Roman Church a distinction is made between Latvia, a worship due to God alone, and Dulia or Hyperdulia, the adoration paid to the Virgin, saints, martyrs, crucifixes, &c.. Organisation in a sentence.