And as I have gotten older, the more special the time spent there has become.

Retro-tastic park map from one year after EPCOT opened its doors. I’d gained a fair bit of weight since riding one before I rode one a couple of years ago. The ride was in full effect. I remember the first time my eyes met with that grounded spaceship. We each stood motionless, gawking at the space-aged splendor of it. Artwork varies but it’s typically space or alien related. It made me feel a little short of breath while it was going and you feel those G forces even harder! Love the Gravitron! The ride is stylized as a UFO and goes under three general names: Gravitron, Starship 2000, and Alien Abduction. Yes, that's a looping waterslide. ), Your email address will not be published. I was no longer ‘Matt, the boy without a father and a sick mother’. But at the Salmon Arm Fair they were. Apparently autistics like the feeling on rotors/grravitrons so I tested the theory and they were right. Metal Heads ride for free! First you board the UFO and stand against one of the padded panels; the panels are angled so riders kind of lay back onto one. Want to up the ante on the thrill factor? There is a song that says “you can never go home again… things are just never the same.” And that’s true. Yes, that was me 35yrs ago. You will impress everybody else on the ride and cause them to get a kick out of you (in other words you will be the life of the party). I heard a sudden and horrific “thud,” indicating that the door had now been locked. Since the riders are on the panels, they rise up as well! We have a core product range of the latest AC drive systems and electric vehicles available. And maybe, just maybe one day, I’ll ride that magical ship again. Often times, especially nowadays the more fussy operators make you stay upright and will often bark at the beginning of the ride: “No going upside down!” When the ride has an operator like that, those found breaking the rules will usually be seriously warned, and the ride can be stopped to kick the offending riders off if the operator deems it necessary.

Just uploaded a video of a gravitron at a local carnival. Comments? So much so that, in the present, while seated in the bleachers, I noticed I was smiling while reaching to my cheek to see if I had spit on me – I didn’t. I was painting with a varnish of fond memory atop all that I was seeing. The outside features quite a bit of lighting along the side panels and on the rotating platform – which I’ll just refer to as the UFO. The virus has isolated that staple as well. To me, it was also symbolic for the start of my favorite season – autumn. The simplistic version of why that is, is because it was fun!

Questions? Danger I laugh at it [especially as someone who grew up with Action Park in Vernon, NJ :D]. Some video from the 2019 Feast of San Gennaro! Gravitron models sport a light board below the “Gravitron” signage that flashes the word “Thriller.” I have seen it say different things, however (such as the show’s name.). Aug 17 | Trip Report: State Fair Meadowlands 2019, Jul 18 | Trip Report: North Brunswick Youth Sports Festival 2019, Jun 15 | Trip Report: Corpus Christi Parish Carnival 2019, May 15 | Trip Report: Our Lady of Peace Country Fair 2019, Nov 23 | Trip Report: Holiday in the Park 2018 – Six Flags Great Adventure. Soon, the aggressive weeds and twisted vines began to recede from view. Big enough to deliver – small enough to be flexible, For more information call But rather than meet an untimely end, and much to my pleasurable surprise, we did not explode. “Holy sh@t… let’s do it!” Harvey tittered. As a boy, my time at the fair was respite from the realities of my everyday.

The DoD3 (formerly the Domain of Death 3) is a personal blog by Brian, a millennial from New Jersey that enjoys theme parks and carnivals, photography, going "down the shore", and bloviating about said topics. The ride can spin to a maximum speed of 24 RPM and rotates via a tire drive that runs along a rim on the underside of the UFO. So I guess just make sure the operator is chill and in a good mood before you go upside down. Gravitron is a ride manufactured by Wisdom Rides and is basically an updated Rotor ride. Something just seems so wrong about it. That year at the fair was one of the most enjoyable times of my life. I wonder where I originally saw that bit of misinformation…, theres a new one cald alien obduction i love it it is so fun XO. The heat of it against my forehead caused me to squint and shuffle back an inch or two in my seat. Read more: Salmon Arm grad shares struggles with trauma and addiction, Read more: Salmon Arm Fair, Shuswap Canada Day events cancelled, Read more: Photos: Saturday at the Salmon Arm Fair. I was now beyond the point of no return. I went on the old Gravitron ride at Morey’s Piers many, many years ago with sunburn on my face, and man oh man did it hurt when my face was being pushed back from the G force! I rested contently along the aged wooden planks of the seating area, sipping and chewing calmly. This is the only ride where I feel it’s doing something very bad to me internally. The one source of happiness for me in this terrible scenario, was that it was dark enough to hide the more obvious features of my fear—like sweat—I was sweating buckets.