Dependent upon the season in which a seismic survey was shot, the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and its eddies will induce faster or slower acoustic velocities within the water column, resulting in TWT differences in the order of tens of milliseconds for the same point on the seafloor. De Soto Canyon - Images - Data Bathymetry ranges from –130 to –11,087 ft (–40 to –3,379 m) and includes vertically exaggerated slope-rendered hillshade files to illustrate seafloor features. The result is a mosaic of 117 of the highest quality seafloor horizons.
Average error of calculated water depth.
It’s 16 times higher in resolution than the map that’s historically used for this area. Core sampling determined that drainage from the Rio Grande River provides coarse, sandy sediments to the Perdido system [Damuth et al., 2006], whereas cores and well logs in Alaminos Canyon reveal primarily fine-grained deepwater clastics and hemipelagics [Bouma et al., 1968; Meyer et al., 2005].
Bouma, A.H, W.R. Bryant, and J.W. 700.00. After time-to-depth conversion there remained a few small geographic areas with gaps in which BOEM possesses no 3D time survey coverage.
BOEM research has established updip linkage with the ancestral Pearl River [Frazier, 1974; Mobley, 2005]. Hillshaded rasters showcase the dynamic bathymetric relief of the seafloor and were created using parameters of sun direction from due North at an angle of 45 degrees, with vertical exaggeration of 5.
BOEM grid coverage is the area defined by the color in this image. Examples: park "national park" or hiking, trails. According to the researchers, the map has a resolution of 149 square meters per pixel, capturing areas 1-3 kilometers (0.6- 1.8 miles) beneath the surface. Incredible 1.4 BILLION pixel map reveals the Gulf of Mexico's seafloor was scarred by a 200 million year old ocean. Oceanography and Offshore Technology Research Center, RPSEA Final Report 0018-04. northwestern portion of the Gulf basin, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Geological Circular 74–1. To create the grid the seafloor was interpreted on over one-hundred 3D seismic time-migrated surveys, then mosaicked together and converted to depth in feet. Gov’t Releases Never Seen Before Detailed Map of Gulf Of Mexico, Stuart Sailfish Club’s 35th Annual Saltwater Sisters Fishing Tournament, NMEA Names 2020 Product of Excellence Award Winners, Who’s Driving—Paying Attention at the Helm, Propspeed Offering Free Sample Program with the Launch of New Business Resource Center, New CAT C32B Marine Engine: The "B" Means Better for Repowers.
However, many of the surveys acquired since the early 2000s are oriented along the direction of regional structural dip, roughly northwest-southeast, and possess larger average bin sizes in the 80 ft range.
The map package is compatible with ArcMap 10.0 and newer. The grid defines water depth with 1.4 billion 40-by-40 ft cells and is available in feet and meters. Regulations at 30 CFR 551 allow BOEM to obtain a digital version of any post-processed, post-migrated two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey acquired within the OCS.
These particular expulsion mounds were formed as a result of basin compaction and compression, resulting in upward gas migration [McConnell and Kendall, 2002]. Gulf of Mexico Maps Gulf of Mexico Location Map. Figure 6.
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A just-released 1.4 billion pixel, Gulf of Mexico bathymetric map displays all the magnificent features of the seafloor and geomorphological processes with an astounding clarity.
Subaqueous dunes and pockmarks on the upper continental slope in the northwestern GOM. Elwha River Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter (2010)