Barristers gain direct insight into both sides of the criminal justice process, thus acquiring a professional understanding of what is required for the police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to build a sufficiently robust case to the required evidential standards, along with practical experience of dismantling the same. We're talking here about a lady who's 81 who we would imagine have some difficulty carrying a typewriter. Also present was the senior police officer who had facilitated our visit. The next step is generally for the working copy to be transcribed to produce the official written ‘Record of Taped Interview’ (ROTI). But a source close to Seaton Sutherland, whose brother Billy was one of at least 12 people murdered by Nilsen, has hit out at ITV for dragging up the past.
679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. August 1980: male prostitute Billy Sutherland, 26, met Nilsen in a pub near Piccadilly Circus. This original version is of course ephemeral and context-bound, experienced only by those immediately present and instantly lost. I mentioned to you earlier on in the will that you were named as the sole beneficiary of her estate, all her monies, etc, which you said came as a complete surprise to you. Other relatives reported that Shipman's kindness and sympathy evaporated once a victim had died. Can you account for that? If the editor of an interview recording has instructions as to what amounts to a ‘point to prove’, but not about what available defences might look like, there is a real risk that evidence supporting those defences will not be included in the ROTI. There is no reference at all to how the words in question should sound, illustrating that all concerned are treating the data purely as a written document. Further, this has shown that at the most important stage of the criminal justice process—the court hearing—the most corrupted version of the evidence is utilised.
Bottom question, bottom answer rather, ‘Well, I drove down to surgery and delivered the blood samples and got on with the surgery.’ You see that?
He drowned him in the kitchen sink and defiled the body. (For more on the process of court transcription, see Eades, 1996; Tiersma, 1999: 175–179; Walker, 1986, 1990.). Shipman: I keep no drugs, you are talking about controlled drugs, in my surgery, my car or at home. A first step in improving current practice, then, is to increase awareness of that simple fact.
Interviews are recorded following the detailed requirements of PACE Code E,7 which include a requirement to seal a master copy in the suspect’s presence (s. 2.2). There is no mention of a home visit - you claimed it was an error. Are you really suggesting that to us? At times he stopped killing, usually because he was scared of being caught. This should include some introduction to language and spoken communication, and the differences between spoken and written language.