Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of... Behavioural economics is a powerful science. pensions) and foreign-sourced income (regardless of whether it has been Eligibility: Your parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, or grandparent-in-law (including that of ex-spouse) has to be living in Singapore in 2014, and not working. How much is it? If your spouse or civil partner passed away before 6 April 2017, you may instead be eligible for Bereavement Payment, Bereavement Allowance or Widowed Parent's Allowance. Don't let this put you off claiming if you think you're entitled to this allowance. You're not bringing up children.

Also see the Family MoneySaving guide for other MoneySaving tips. You receive the severe disability premium (or you're entitled to it, or you've received it in the last month and are still eligible), You live in temporary accommodation or sheltered housing. How to apply: Phone 0800 055 6688 or download form ESA1 from

If you are in social housing (from a council or housing association), under housing benefit, your rent will be lowered. WARNING: Changes to pension credit eligibility were introduced last May. 55 years old and above in 2016, or physically or mentally handicapped (please provide 2020/21 weekly amount: Depends on your rent, your income, where you live, how many bedrooms you have and how many people live in your home. Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. A further huge info resource is the Benefits and Tax Credits section in the MSE Forum, where a number of Citizens Advice-trained people and others voluntarily help out answering people's questions. To get help with healthcare, complete form HC1 to get a HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate. Also see the Over-50s guide for other MoneySaving tips or for specific help if you, or a friend or family member, have been diagnosed with cancer, try the Macmillan Support Line.

more than three million disabled pensioners, Uber given new licence to operate in London after appeal. Paternity pay is paid by an employer once the child has been born for up to two weeks and usually goes to the child's father. Pension credit is an extra payment that guarantees most people over state pension age a minimum income, yet over a million low income pensioners are failing to collect over £3 billion in pension credit according to Government figures. That's without adding on non means-tested benefits such as those for disabilities – so it's well worth a 10-minute check.

Many are worried about the UK impact of the coronavirus on their ability to pay bills and even stay in their home.

trade, employment, rental and SRS withdrawals); tax-exempt income (e.g.