The average minimum temperature in Kauai Island in April is 20°.

The average sea water temperature in Kauai Island in April is 24.8° which ist eine Hilfe, um zu entscheiden, wo das nächste Urlaubsziel sein soll. Weiter unten finden Sie die saisonalen Durchschnittswerte. Take all precautions because unprotected skin and eyes can burn in minutes. The minimum temperature is 20° in the previous month and 22° in the next month. Kauai taucht auf der Landkarte unten mit blauem Icon auf. Warm enough to swim? a wet time Annual Weather Averages Near Kauai Island.

Showing: All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Kauai Island.

The average maximum wind speed in Kauai Island in April is typically 29kmh.

Die Ziele werden nach objektiven Kriterien (Klima, Budget, Aktivitäten ...) und nicht kommerziellen Angeboten entsprechend dargestellt. The dew point is 19° in the previous month and 20° in the next month. The average temperature in Kauai Island in April is 23°. Tanning will be safest before 10am and after 4pm but only with a good application of sun screen. Thanks! The average maximum wind speed is 31kmh in the previous month and 27kmh in the next month.

The average maximum relative humidity in Kauai Island in April is typically 83.6%.

Consider visiting Kauai Island in the months of May, July, August, September, for the best beach weather.Also consider one of our other suggestions for April. The ultraviolet index in Kauai Island in April is typically 12.1 during April. Watch out for relections from water that may increase ultraviolet exposure. Averages are for Lihue Lihue Airport, which is 13 miles from Kauai Island. Best Time to Visit Kauai Kauai Tips for When to Visit. Es gibt auch eine Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit und diese Wetterprognosen werden nur als allgemeine Informationen betrachtet. April is a hot and rainy time for sunbathing in Kauai Island.April is a good month for swimming in Kauai Island with warm sea temperatures.

The average wind speed is 18kmh in the previous month and 16kmh in the next month. The Weather on Kauai . 2.7in: gutes Wetter: Kauai im Februar: März: 72°F/76°F: 44%. The average wind direction in Kauai Island in April is from the North-Northeast. The best times to visit Kauai, when considering the weather, crowds, demand, and prices, are the months of April, May, August, September, and early October.. The average relative humidity is 73.2% in the previous month and 71.8% in the next month. somewhat uncomfortable for most people in cities but fine on a beach. High Temp: 85 °F. Diese Grafiken zeigen die Entwicklung der durchschnittlichen Mindest-/Höchsttemperaturen und der durchschnittlichen täglichen Niederschlagsmenge in Kauai im April 2021. Demzufolge beträgt die generelle Durchschnittstemperatur in diesem Monat April in Kauai 24°C. ist eine Hilfe, um zu entscheiden, wo das nächste Urlaubsziel sein soll. Sie wollen, Kauai in Hawai im April besuchen: Sehen Sie das Wetter und die saisonalen Durchschnittswerte unten.

Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015.
May, July, August, September, April is the last month considered to be part of the wet season in Hawaii, which means less rain and a warmer climate within this Polynesian group of tropical islands. Much rain?

Die Ziele werden nach objektiven Kriterien (Klima, Budget, Aktivitäten ...) und nicht kommerziellen Angeboten entsprechend dargestellt.

What's the weather like in Hawaii in April.