Press J to jump to the feed. この銃はLMGで最も火力が高くTTKに非常に優れています。しかしADS速度やリロード速度が最低クラスなので非常に扱いにくい。, 発射レートが高いわりに装弾数が50発なので頻繁にリロードを挟む事にもなるのもネック。, 歩兵用としては戦場の過酷な環境に耐えきれず動作不良やジャムを引き起こしてたりデリケートな銃でもありました。7.92mm弾というこれまたかなりの大口径を採用しているのも特徴。, 第二次世界大戦で活躍した銃であって、ドイツ軍が登場する映画にはかなりの頻度で登場しています。歩兵用としてではなく戦車の前面部に取り付けた状態が多いかも。, 「風の谷のナウシカ」で主人公のナウシカが劇中で担いでいる単発式レバーアクションの長銃のモデルとなったのはMG34だったりします。, しかし取り回し面では最悪。ADS速度もリロード速度も最低値なので扱いにくさはハンパじゃない。これを運用する時はいかに強ポジを抑えて定点できるかにかかっています。, 手足に当たってしまった場合でもM4A1より速いTTKなので、逆にいえば強ポジに辿り着きさえすれば相手を圧倒できるスペックを持っています。, しかし本当の地獄はリロードの長さにあり、スライハンドをつけても5秒台。高レートでリロード回数がかさみやすい銃なので拡張マガジンは必須レベル。, この銃は反動がほぼ真上のみなので反動制御はしやすい部類です。なので反動系アタッチメントよりADS速度やマガジン系に枠を使った方が扱いやすくなるかも。, アイアンサイトは見づらいのでサイト推奨。タックレーザーは覗き込みガン待ちしていれば不要かなと。高レートのため近距離の腰だめ撃ちもそこそこ当たります。, 少しでも楽に生きたいと思い選んだのがブログ運営。あなたに役立てる情報・考察などを記事にしていきます, The MG34 is a Melt Machine! Here's how much it'll cost you to pick up the Battle Pass for Call of Duty Warzone.
It doesn't kill in one hit below the chest, but a good sniper is already aiming for the head every time. I love the off meta build, could you help me figure out a Scar loadout for Warzone? Tagged with Activision, feature, guides, Infinity Ward, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Warzone. If the PKM is too slow for you, the MG34 … This is one of those guns that would be so much more viable if there was one more attachment slot. Just plan around this gun's downsides and enjoy that melty DPS. I like guns that pack a punch so I spent some time with the SCAR, Oden, and M4 w/ SOCOM rounds. To unlock this weapon, you must reach Tier 38 of the Season 2 Battle Pass.You are required to spend COD Points in order to buy a Battle Pass and enjoy its other tiered rewards. This is thanks mainly to its fantastic accuracy over long range, and the unbelievable DPS offered by its range of Adverse barrel attachments. It's a hard one, I really want that gun to be viable. Model 680 — The Model 680 is the classic 12-gauge pump-action shotgun you've come to expect in every Call of Duty game. No suppressor! Both feature the exact same damage profile and fire rate, and the Kilo 141 can be equipped with 100 Round Mags. Developed by Infinity Ward, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare puts you in the role of highly-skilled Tier One operators in an incredibly raw and gritty narrative affecting the global balance of power. Warzone Battle Pass price: how much does the Battle Pass cost? This makes this the sniper for the player who isn't quite yet patient enough for a bolt-action but still has the capabilities to get the longshot. You mention the commando but the photo shows the predator. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In that moment, this player always gets the kill with a single bullet and they'll often hear the addictive ding of a headshot. The irons on the base weapon are so bad it forces you to run an optic. It has low recoil and a pretty high rate of fire, making it very versatile, as it can engage both long and close range targets, but its reload time is very long.
But kitted out for long or close range this gun is an absolute shredder. 今回はlmg枠のmg34について書いていきます。 この銃はlmgで最も火力が高くttkに非常に優れています。しかしads速度やリロード速度が最低クラスなので非常に扱いにくい。 発射レートが高い … Discussion. MG34 Reload Time.
My squad’s tendency towards running ghost limits me in that too, because an all around weapon it is NOT.
$146 .
Sniper Rifles are for a very particular kind of player.
The Marksman Rifles are the class of weapons best suited for impatient snipers who would rather spend their time on a map moving from place to place than camping out high above the rest of the team in a window. A more reliable choice would be a solid SMG, but I run the SOCOM because of the versatility. His favourite pastime is burying his face in the warm fur of his two cats. Recent buffs to the MG34 have fundamentally transformed it into one of the deadliest weapons in the game. Providing excellent damage range, ammo capacity, and ADS speed.
It becomes available at all levels once unlocked via the completion of the PKM Bounty.
But now, with the August 20 patch, the Bruen is no longer the controllable long-range monster it once was. .50 GS — When you see 50 as part of a weapon's name, more often than not, Modern Warfare is telling you that this weapon fires the most powerful bullets in the game: .50 caliber rounds.