He’s never made much money in his life, and he too keeps the wolves away with each tired breath. starts and ends within the same node. safety and shelter for kids and a wife,
And Keep the Wolves Away by Uncle Lucius is incredible storytelling. ( Log Out / It is also a song about realization that “now it’s my turn to keep the wolves away” he’s a man and now it is his job to take care of his family. ... ‘Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves’. spilling poison in the Galveston bay This is deeply personal for me. Well I was barely 13 when the company man tried to dig my daddy’s grave. His father was badly injured in a chemical accident when he was a teenager and was not able to work for a while, even though he was the bread winner of the family. making overtime to keep the wolves away I was barely 13 when the company man tried to dig my daddy's grave It happened on a french owned tanker ship spilling poison in the Galveston bay Where the liquid fire filled his lungs and his eyes silenced any mortal cries. And when the time comes to do more I will do what must be done. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Music Monday: Keep the Wolves Away by Uncle Lucius, November 2018 Month-in-Review | Every Day Should Be Tuesday, Follow Hillbilly Highways on WordPress.com, Country Noir: When These Mountains Burn by David Joy, Music Monday: My Hometown by Charlie Robison, Gravel and Guts: Grit Lit and Country Noir Facebook Group, Hillbilly Highways Music Monday YouTube Playlist. He could have found work for more pay and less hours. Their goal is to raise as much money and food as possible to help fight food insecurity in Texas. Uncle Lucius Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com. It happened on a french owned tanker ship But that settlement money doesn’t last forever, and the narrator is “going for broke with every song I play, cause now it’s my turn to keep the wolves away.”.
where the sky isn’t heavy with refinery clouds. Change ). What does keep the wolf from the door expression mean? Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. put bread on the table of the working man. Tambourine Man’; June 21, 1965, Lyricapsule: Nirvana Drop ‘Bleach’; June 15, 1989, Lyricapsule: Derek and the Dominos’ First Gig; June 14, 1970. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Cold and the grip of death’s stinging pain, he fought like hell to keep the wolves away. Codeine the grit but death stang in pain - For most of the time we shared on this earth, he devoted his time exclusively to faith, family, and vocation, and I can’t imagine living a fuller life. silenced any mortal cries. It happened on a French-owned tanker ship spilling poison in the Galveston Bay. Took my first breath where the muddy Brazos
Here are the lyrics: This reminds me of “Wolves” by Garth Brooks, oddly. The song talks about how he worked to keep the wolves away in the midst of that." My mom is of the old-fashioned view that she owes me a better life, regardless of the personal cost. ( Log Out / Keep the Wolves Away is, though, a song that knows that chemical plants keep “bread on the table of the working man.” It also employs some of the most vivid imagery you will find anywhere. It has intrinsic value. It’s different but it’s also beautiful. My dad works for a wage. where the sky isn't heavy with refinery clouds. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A plaintiff’s attorney plays a heroic role, if one off-screen: a settlement allows the family to get by after the accident. I was barely 13 when the company man An annotation cannot contain another annotation. I will do it because it is my duty. Well the liquid fire filled his lungs and eyes, silenced any moans and cries. Don’t be sad from this comment though! Make sure your selection The most sad/best part about this song is that it is true. I will duty it gladly because it is a meaningful use of my time and my money. so Im going for broke with every song I play,