Persons who are obliged to withhold and pay tax at the source under Art. In case there is more than one heir, the tax is due in accordance with their share, and the taxable amount depends on the degree of kinship and the size of the inherited share. If the owners of transport vehicles have no permanent address within the territory of the country, the declarations are to be submitted to the municipality where the transport vehicle is registered. The withholding tax on dividends and liquidation proceeds which were distributed in favor of foreign or national legal persons from a local company are subject to taxation in Bulgaria. 10 Local Taxes and Fees Act, or LTFA). The period for payment of the tax is until the end of the month following the quarter in which the tax liability arose (Art. The centre of vital interests is in Bulgaria when the interests of the person are closely related to the country. In order for a taxable person to be part of the taxation procedure under VATA, the same needs to be registered for VAT purposes. 6�k�Q�ky�␑��+șOm�`�hHZ���ŋ@-��ӉB��he�����6����ۖGp��:�����@T�-U7�J�Wӹe�0�9�bv'B3�sȉ-�]�?�2�K���G@�? 125 (1) and (2) VATA). By the end of the preceding year, the municipal council determines by ordinance the exact taxable amounts of the year to follow. The amount of the transport vehicle tax is determined by the municipal council in compliance with the terms, conditions and limits set by the LTFA (according to Art. Failure to submit the declaration results in an administrative liability. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Tax relief for personal contributions for insurance length of service has been preserved (Art. A lower rate of 9% applies on only hotel services. NATIONAL REVENUE AGENCY Zhulieta Mihaylova Chief Revenue Expert REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE June 2010, Sofia Addressing tax frauds – the case of Bulgaria 3rd Meeting of the SEE WG on Tax Policy Analysis OECD (Bulg: Данъчно-осигурителен процесуален кодекс). In terms of realized profits and taxes paid abroad, the provisions apply of the relevant treaties for the avoidance of double taxation (Double Taxation Treaties or DTT) apply or to recognize the right of deduction under CITA.
real estate with tax assessment of BGN 1680 inclusive. Ruse, Bulgaria. The tax due is paid in the respective territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency by registration of the payer of the income or by the place in which the payer of the income must have registered.
central switchboard: (+359 2) 940 29 99. „Independent economic activity” are the activities of producers, traders and persons supplying services, including mining and agriculture, as well as the practice of a liberal profession, including as private enforcement agents and notaries. If the transformation is carried out by changing its legal form, the newly constituted entity under Art. The Income Taxes on Natural Persons Act (ITNPA) (Bulg: Закон за данъците върху доходите на физическите лица) in Bulgaria regulates the taxation of income of both local and foreign natural persons, including income originating from their business activity. A new addition is that the declaration is submitted for the taxes due and not the withheld and paid taxes at the source. National Revenue Agency's efforts to ease the effects of the crisis in Bulgaria read more IOTA President and Executive Secretary met the Director General of the Bulgarian National Revenue Agency The statement of tax withheld at the source is performed quarterly by the end of the month following the quarter.
According to Article 20 of the Act the rate of the corporate income tax is 10%. Imports: introduction of non-European Union goods - import of goods and placing goods in free circulation after outward processing. In Bulgaria, the material tax law is regulated by the laws of the different tax types and the procedural law - by the Tax-Insurance Procedure Code %PDF-1.5
The statement is filed with the territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency, either by registration of the payer of the income or by the place in which the payer of the income must have registered (where the payer of the income is not subject to registration, the tax return is to be filed with the territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency - Sofia).