It represents individualistic nature, eccentric tendencies, independence and rebelliousness. In synastry, Venus-Neptune contacts are a prime indicator of two individuals who consistently look for the best in each other and give the best of themselves. Uranus: why, thank you… Uranus conjunction Moon (scorpio 12th hs) orb +9°23′ Since that time, astronomy and astrology have been considered completely different and remained separated. It has been a crazy roller coaster effect blowing hot and cold.
It could precede physical attraction or come just along with it. This connection is full of engaging conversations about unusual themes! A specific memory that I thought of with Uranus pairing is a Cap I dated about 8 months ago. Need freedom versus responsability! Synastry represents the interplay of planetary energies between two charts; however, each chart would play its own solitary role in the combination. Well, it is not exactly so. Any hint of bigotry too. Is it possible to have both worlds? Compatibility depends on each individual’s astrological development and growth, just as on the interplay between their charts alone.
It could also happen that planets cannot distinguish their own energy from that of the other one, being both powerful. I have Aquarius in my sun and mercury.
Pluto Conjunction Mars 0.06 106 Pluto conjunction Pluto 5 Libra 23’55” 3 Libra 1’28” 2.37
Freedom was more literal to him since he had strong feelings for an ex.
He’s a Sag with his Sun and Mercury in the 3rd house, with his Gem Mars conjunct my Gem Sun falling in his 9th, so there’s all this happy Gem-Sag energy between us that I really hope my Uranus or Aquarius Mars isn’t going to screw it up. We have a few conjuctions but also a few squares. Its nature, however, could become both flowing and challenging, because both energies are strong. Its energy is erratic, and blows fiery hot and icy cold. I believe I read that I will be having Uranus in my 7th house soon also. Love the post and I love being an oddball. Any comments, more than wellcome!! Chiron opposition Uranus 19 Aries 37’12” 20 Libra 21’17” 0.73 Well, modern astrology would have to add something new to older astrological conceptions that suggest we are but marionettes in the hands of destiny and that out … His Sun and Jupiter Aquarius fall in my 4th House. Uranus is more open to unique, original and unexplored, by its nature, while Mercury is always open to gather some new information. Moon trine Uranus 13 Gemini 59’36” 20 Libra 21’17” 6.37 Saturn or Uranus?
Mars trine Mars orb +2°47′ When Uranus influences a relationship planet either within or between charts, there is a need to go beyond the traditional boundaries of that planet. Sexual attraction, at least at first, is strong. After I’ve decided the relationship’s over, it’s done and there’s no hope of the other person changing my mind and winning me back. Neptune Conjunction Venus 3.11 84 So all in all, this seems to be a very karmically oriented uranian connection as well. I think that for anyone seeking an emotional connection to thrive on or build a foundation of intimacy in their relationships…Uranus teaches a valuable lesson of respecting that which can aid and at the same time hurt us. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. Uranus sextile Midheaven orb -3°06′ The desire for emotional connection that is stable within the context of owning the Uranus realm of higher expression? It needs something brand new in order to stabilize it. When we started the relationship none of us wanted commitment but it was so intense and rewarding that we were in pain to be appart and cemented the relationship, so soon we were living together. Pluto square Lilith 5 Libra 23’55” 0 Capricorn 57’40” 4.43 My father left very early and my mother was very loving but highly emotionally unpredictable.