Mr. Goodman calls Julie on the radio, and Julie tells him that they seem to have killed the majority of the piranhas. Bei AB sogar auch Stachelbeere und Loganbeere. Written By Weg mit der Ex, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 17. It is certified "fresh" on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes with an approval rating of 73% and an average score of 6.2 out of 10, based on 120 reviews. There were lots of monkeys. Baxter Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. By any sane cinematic standards, meretricious trash ... but thrown at you with such good-humored glee that it's hard to resist. Just a fun picture where we get to watch piranha eat people and do their thing! SchleFaZ 100 – Das Jubiläums-Festival: Weitere Live Acts bestätigt! Editing By It has some good gore in it as well. Though I say his best movies did come in the 70's and 80's. Derrick convinces Jake to show him good spots on the lake for filming a pornographic movie. Die Rückkehr der Piranhas (1995) | An expedition to Titan uncovers an alien being, that goes on a rampage. Gießen Sie den Gin und den Saft hinzu und geben Sie Crushed Ice hinein bis das Glas ca. Einer seiner stärksten Leistungen. Gremlins 2 – Die Rückkehr der kleinen Monster | John R. Leonetti Die Privatdetektivin Maggie McKeown wird beauftragt, die beiden Vermissten zu suchen. Images of Piranha 3D. I always thought it was like PG, but it was an R rated film. A young woman arrives in Hollywood to try her luck as an actress. Danke an alle SchleFaZianer! Dekorieren Sie den Drink mit ein paar getrockneten Entenknochen (Huhn geht auch) und servieren Sie ihn mit einem Strohhalm. Deputy Fallon makes a last stand, taking a boat motor and using its propeller to shred many piranhas, though he is presumably killed. Produzent dieses B-Films war Roger Corman. They are to explore Venus under the command of Professor Hartman, but... See full summary ». Piranha Juli 2020 um 23:41 Uhr bearbeitet. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. The private investigator Maggie McNamara from Lyon Investigation is hired by the wealthy J.R. Randolph to find his niece that has disappeared with her boyfriend. Maggie seeks out the lonely... See full summary ». The next morning, a lone cliff diver is attacked and consumed by the marauding fish. When flesh-eating piranhas are accidentally released into a summer resort's rivers, the guests become their next meal. $83,188,165 They find his mutilated body and contemplate closing the lake. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Amazonen auf dem Mond oder Warum die Amis den Kanal voll haben | Matinée | Boyd falls in and is ripped apart by a school of piranhas that emerge from the chasm. English Title: After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area's new razor-toothed residents. called the film "a campy masterpiece of a movie", adding "If you have an ounce of fun in your body, you will love this movie about killer/murderous piranhas that overtake a town of hotties – in 3D! Unlike some other 3D converted films released in 2010, Piranha 's conversion was not done as an afterthought, and it was one of the first post-conversion processes to be well received by critics. Jake meets Crystal Shepard, another one of Derrick's actresses, and cameraman Andrew Cunningham. Welches Risiko Margheriti hier einging, beweist die Tatsache, dass es bei einem derart innovativen, mutigen Konzept, natürlich auch unzählige Möglichkeiten gab, dramaturgische Fehler zu machen, die Margheriti dann auch alle konsequent ausschöpfte, wie zumindest viele Kritiker meinen. Schneiden Sie die Limette in Viertel. There is also some good comedy in it as well. Gross ", Christy Lemire, film critic for the Associated Press, said "Run, don't walk: Piranha 3D is hilariously, cleverly gory. Mit diesem Film versuchte Margheriti den Erfolg seines amerikanischen Kollegen Stephen Spielberg vergessen zu machen, der 4 Jahre zuvor mit Der weiße Hai einige Aufmerksamkeit erregt hatte. 2012 erschien dessen Fortsetzung Piranha 3DD. Language Toward the end, there's lots of action and a rape thrown in. Add the first question. Honk honk honk. Mit einem Mörser den Zucker mit der Limette stampfen. The private investigator Maggie McNamara from Lyon Investigation is hired by the wealthy J.R. Randolph to find his niece that has disappeared with her boyfriend. Wildlife photographer Terry and her brother Art go to Venezuela for a photo shoot. Piranha 3D (2010) | Produziert wurde der Film von The Asylum, die bekannt sind für ihre Mockbuster die an Kinofilme angelehnt sind, wie in diesem fall, an Piranha 3D. Im Jahr 1995 entstand unter der Regie von Scott P. Levy eine Neuverfilmung namens Die Rückkehr der Piranhas, in dem neben Roger Corman auch Drehbuchautor John Sayles beteiligt ist. Use the HTML below. I like horror movies that happen along or in rivers.