Individual board members serve on various other boards, authorities, and commissions such as the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Tampa Bay Water, Aviation Authority, Expressway Authority, Sports Authority, Port Authority, Arts Council of Hillsborough County, Children's Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Council of Governments. Businesses. The first full-time career firefighters were hired in 1973. A check payable to "Clerk of Circuit Court" for the following fees: Recording Judgment: $10.00 for the first page, and $8.50 for each additional page, Indexing Additional Names for the judgment: $1.00 per name after the fourth name, Recording Affidavit: $10.00 for the first page, and $8.50 for each additional page, Indexing Additional Names for the affidavit: $1.00 per name after the fourth name, Foreign Judgment Document Preparation Fee: $7.00, Copies of Judgment and Affidavit: $1.00 per page times the number of judgment debtors, A certified copy of the Notice of Commencement, Two self-addressed stamped envelopes (one envelope to mail the certified copy if requested and one envelope to mail the original recorded Notice of Commencement), Recording Notice of Commencement: $10.00 for the first page, and $8.50 for each additional page, Copies of Notice of Commencement: $1.00 per page, Marriage license records from 1831 to the present, Circuit Civil judgment from 1972 to the present, County Civil judgments from 1986 to the present, Probate judgments from 1986 to the present. Hillsborough was considered a bellwether county, voting for the statewide winner in every presidential election from 1964-2012. This act defined the geographical boundaries for the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and conferred upon the Justices the power to assess taxes for "Building, Inspecting and Repairing all Prisons, Courthouses and other necessary public edifices within their respective counties.
Document types include, but are not limited to, the following as delineated in Florida Statute 28.222.
Of the seven members of the Board of County Commissioners for Hillsborough County, four are elected from single-member districts, and three are elected county-wide. The County began to execute its legal authority on March 19, 1771, when approval was received from the King of England. Name and address of the natural person who prepared the instrument or under whose supervision it was prepared. They work with the agency within whose jurisdiction the event is taking place. [20][21], The median income for a household in the county was $49,536, and for a family was $59,886.
Copies of all documents are available upon payment of the statutory fee. We do this by working together with the community. It is 875 square miles in area and has a population of over 380,000. The original jurisdiction of the County included 13 towns that are now in Merrimack County.