Modern Plastics ; Choose the database best suited to your particular topic- … Soviet Review Housewives League Magazine Nation’s Heritage (complete) Specialty Salesman (v. 53-55, 1964-1966) Modern Music (v. 3-13, 1925-1936, v. 16-23, 1938-1946)

Building Investment (few volumes) Physical Culture (ca. In this guide we have divided the criteria for evaluating periodical literature into four categories: Webster's Third International Dictionary defines scholarly as: Substantive is defined as having a solid base, being substantial. Design Issues (several issues, 1980s-1990s) Articles are often heavily illustrated, generally with photographs. Small Homes Guide (aka Small Homes Builders Yearbook) (about half of issues published)

These reviewers must agree that the article represents properly conducted original research or writing before it can be published. Stone’s Weekly (some issues, 1950s)

Bell System Technical Journal Journal of the Outdoor Life (on tuberculosis treatment) (v. 10-12, 1913-1915; v. 14 (1917) Municipal Engineering (v.42-44, 1912-1913; v.46-48, 1914-1915; v.48-54, 1915-1918)

Examples of the most common works that writers cite are provided on this page; additional examples are available in the Publication Manual. Pageant (few issues, 1950s-1960s) National Wildlife (v.1-19; 1962-1981) 1928-1976Californian, The (v. 1-6, 1880-1882) Building Developer (two issues, 1929) Industry and Power Birth Control Review (v. 4-11, 1920-1927, v. 14-17, 1930-33; new series v. 1-2:2, 1933-1934Black Scholar, The (v. 1-26, 1969-1996) Candy Industry and Confectioners Journal (v. 107-135, 1957-1970) Land and Freedom (v. 26-41, 1926-1941)

Education for Victory (v. 1-3, 1942-1945), Educational Media International (1971-1989, some issues missing), Electric Railway Journal (v. 45-75, 1915-1931), Electrical Engineering (v. 50-61; 1931-1942, 63-65, 1944-1957; 78-79 (1959-1960), Electrical West (v. 58-59, 1927; v. 60-69, 1928-1932; v.92-137, 1944-1970), Electronic Industries (1942-1957), succeeded by Tele-Tech, Electronics (v. 4-12, 1932-1939; v. 17-18, 1944-1945; v. 20 pt. having the manner and appearance of a scholar.


Semiotext(e) (most issues) West, The (v. 11 n1, June 1969; v. 12 n1, Dec. 1969; v. 12, n3, Feb. 1970, v. 12 n6, May 1970) American Architect and Architecture (few issues) Ms. People Weekly. Artforum (some issues) Email Me. Argonaut (San Francisco) (ca. 2, 1947), Everybody’s Digest (Readers’ Digest clone) (an issue or two, early 1950s), COVID-19 Update for April: Remote research requests are welcome [CLOSED FOR THE DURATION]. American City (later American City and County) (1908-1969) 1898-1909) American Society of Planning Officials Newsletter Journal of Broadcasting (v. 1-42, 1956-1998)

Factory 8)

If the journal is available in print form, record the call number and any additional location information in the catalog record.

National Quarterly Review (v. 2-7, 1860-1863; v. 11-12, 1865-1866)

Real Estate (San Francisco) (1 issue, 1912)Realist, The (some issues, 1970s) Wild Earth materials printed at regular intervals; collection of articles that vary in length. Popular Mechanics (many issues, 1940s-1960s) America At Work Email your research queries to! Popular Communications (many issues) Business Screen (1938-1976), Cabinet (many issues) Keeping these definitions in mind, and realizing that none of the lines drawn between types of journals can ever be totally clear cut, the general criteria are as follows.

Ken (complete) Water Works Engineering High Points (published by the New York City Board of Education) (v. 5, 7-48, 1923-1966) October (issues 2-100) Graphis Photo (single issue, 1952) Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article. Modern Cemetery (v.2-4, 1892-1893; v.43-45, 1933-1936, v.47-48, 1937-1939; v.55-61, 1946-1951) Popular Science (many issues, 1940s-1960s) Public Ownership New Reclamation Era