For reading about Russian Blues, I suggest this site: But if you will look at them closely, you will notice their differences. It’s quite a playful and very curious cat. Only the Korat has the heart shaped face. breeds have silver tipping on each hair. Aside from that, the Korat cat has no downy undercoat. My highly intelligent Korat loves dogs but has no interest in other cats except for her boyfriend whom she dominates. Look at their fur or coat. The Korat is compact and muscular, but it does not appear heavy. I would swear that my sister (she's older than me) told me that the queen was a Russian Blue, but now I'm not certain - the one I kept when I moved out has the classic heart-shaped face, more golden-toned eyes, and stockier body of a Korat, and will follow me all over the house and pin me down in various uncomfortable positions all night, but he also has the thicker coat of a Russian Blue and shies away from ANY strangers. Thanks for a detailed info, Ruslana! (Do you like the independent, intelligent, observant, careful, confident, inquisitive and playful nature of nature's finest sneak attack/ambush predator, wrapped in an elegant, athletic and ultra-fast physiological killing machine that just happens to be extremely loyal, devoted, sociable, kind and optimistic? The Korat is a very playful cat while the Russian Blue is a well-behaved one.

Die Korat scheint kräftiger zu sein als das russische Blau. Cats have made their way through the hearts of several pet lovers. Which is the best sports store of ski rentals in France. The Korat’s general appearance is of a silver blue cat with a heavy silver sheen, medium sized, hard bodied, and muscular. Its original grey coat will have silver tips as the Korat cat ages. They are small to medium in size, muscular with smooth curved lines. It looks much clearer now! This cat is all smooth curves, with huge eyes that are luminous, alert, and expressive. The It should give you a picture of the differences in personality of the two breeds.

Russian Blues are much more contemplating and strategic. personalities are very different. Korat and Russian Blue both have a grey coat and green eyes. They both have the same silver grey coat, but you can tell their differences through how their furry hair grows. I’m not sure what kind of cat I have if he is Russian blue or korat cat.

A cat that resembled a Korat was exhibited at a show in England in 1896, but whether it was truly a Korat (pronounced ko-raht) or simply a self-blue Siamese—meaning solid-colored—is not known. Aside from that, the Korat cat has no downy undercoat.
Russian Blue Photos - Jenny Gowen - Azureblue Russian Blues . the Russian Blue has dense double coat. Mary Green Who could resist their cuteness and fluffiness? & For starters, these two breeds are really hard to tell them apart. The coat over the spine is inclined to break as the cat moves. It has been about three months now and I have just come up to the topic Of what breed it is. Yep, that's true - standards in different countries may vary. Since the Russian blue has so many hairs, it helps this thinner cat to appear thicker and softer. All About Cats 116,797 views. contributions by others. Its unique beauty comes from many centuries of living close to nature – untouched by  human interference. Since it is single haired and has no downy undercoat, cat owners can have the relief of not having to comb their fur as often.